Discussion: ICE Officers Told To Take Action Against All Undocumented Immigrants Encountered While On Duty

21st Century Jackbooted thugs.


The little old lady leaving church, the father dropping his kid off at school, the line cooks preparing your meal, and the women seeking restraining orders against their abusive partners are an existential threat to the country I tells ya!


Which friggin century are we in? Is Hugo Boss making their uniforms?


ICE have become tRump and Sessions personal Brownshirts the way they’ve gone after undocumented immigrants. It breaks my heart. They are ripping families apart, sending people back to countries they barely ever lived in, and the horror stories just keep mounting. It shameful what this has turned into.


Sure - deport the entire service industry in the US and the agricultural industry and see what happens next because I can about guarantee you that no white American is going to wash dishes or pick vegetables and fruit.


And from all appearances they have done so gleefully…

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Actually they arrested them after they’d cooked their food and the ICE agents had eaten their meal.


I’ve written a few times about the devastating effect these draconian enforcement measures are having on the Ag industry. Ironically it’s having the most detrimental economic effects in Red states.

Adding to the irony is the fact that this will all only lead to higher food prices. And so it goes.

“As you sow, so shall you reap”
— Galatians 6:7 (abridged)


Yeah. I read a story a couple of weeks ago about a farmer in Kansas who told one of his immigrant workers that he needed at least 100 more just like him and the worker said: sorry we’re getting hard to find these days.

But since when hasn’t Kansas cut off its own nose to spite its face?

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