Amazing how being free from MAGAt voter backlash grows spines.
Better be more specific and put pressure on rethugs than urging the House to take action.
Maybe a few thousand more Republican mea culpas would help.
BTW, guess Trump will miss honoring our war dead and wounded (again) if he is still playing golf in Japan on Monday. What a class act Cadet Bone Spurs is.
Don’t pressure the Democrats - pressure your own party. They are the hold up here, not the Democrats who would impeach in a heartbeat if not for Mitch McConnell and the GOP in the Senate.
“Illegitimate President”
Let’s run with that.
McConnell is the long and the short of why Trump is not in an 8’X8’ in a Supermax right now.
McConnell is an evil motherfucker and he seems to like being an evil motherfucker.
All “class” without the “cl.”
“I am so concerned about the risk to our democracy that I am speaking up, an[d] I would hope that the people in the Congress, who took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, would get that Constitution out again and read it.”
The problem is not with a Democratic House that hasn’t (yet) impeached.
It’s with a Republican Senate – controlled by YOUR party – that refuses to even consider convicting.
Call out GOP enablers by name: McConnell, Graham, Burr…
Demand Senate conviction NOW; make them answer to America.
Word! By name - each and every one of them.
He is evil without people looking at him as such
The absolute LAST thing McConnell would desire would be an extended interview…for ANY audience but a collection of people without the slightest shred of humanity
Rachel will never get hold of him
He lurks in the shadows…and, yes, like you say, he revels in hurting people
Issue contempt of Congress convictions for Barr, Mnuchin, and McGahn. Now.
Take specific steps to ratchet it up.
“Tom Coleman, a former Republican lawmaker calling for Pres. Trump’s impeachment.”
He’d just ruin it.
He is absolutely an illegitimate President, which means every act, every legislation, every appointment he’s made…is illegitimate.
I hope this small breach in the levee is a sign that discontent and dismay are starting to scrub away at the base of Trump’s support. An impeachment inquiry would add to the surge of damaging information.
I like the sound of that.
The turkeys stay pardoned. Other than that, now the American people get THEIR mulligan.
Every Republican who appears on camera should be asked the question -Did you read the Mueller report and if so why does obstruction of justice, abuse of power, tampering with witnesses, and lying not rise to level of impeachment. Add to it, violating the separation of powers, and violating the oath of office? I am looking at Thune, Graham, and every other Republican who voted to impeach Clinton.