Given the number of attendees waving signs stating “Keep public lands in public hands,” it’s apparent that Chaffetz’s attempt to introduce legislation authorizing the sale of over 3 million acres of federal land in Utah to private interests was distinctly unpopular. Chaffetz was forced to withdraw the bill after getting huge amounts of pushback from hunting/fishing/conservation people in Utah, but there’s no doubt that he and his fellow Republican kleptocrats will not yield in their drive to destroy the BLM, Forest Service, and ultimately the National Park System.
In other words, Jason Chaffetz and the Republican Party are firmly on the side of the Bundys—they hate every manifestation of the idea of the public commons, and everything it represents. They justify it with weasel words like “freedom” and “wise use” but ultimately it comes down to the thing that’s most important to them—the cold cash they can make from “development” on those lands. Nobody should fool themselves—Chaffetz and his pals would be perfectly happy to bring mountaintop removal to Utah and the rest of the American west if there’s money to be made from it.
Whoa. I don’t care who you are in congress, that’ll be a wakeup. I’ve been to a number of events with my rep, but 2500 people would be easily an order of magnitude larger than any events I’ve attended. And I know SLC is a bit more cosmopolitan than the rest of the state, but still, this is in UTAH!!
Its absolutely positively frightening that the man that sits in the Oval Office doesn’t know basic shit and is just fucking winging it every single day.
Excellent news. But I find it strange that TPM is considering this the headline story and not the bombshell reported by (of course) the WaPo and followed up on by the NYT–namely that Flynn violated the Logan Act and discussed lifting the sanctions with the Russians during the transition period. 9 (NINE!) sources confirm and Flynn is now backing off on his denials and Pence is showing signs of throwing him under the bus.
Plus there is this even bigger story hidden in the WaPo account, which is that there were contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians after all.
This could well bring down the Trump presidency. I think that TPM might at least mention it.
Amazing. He will SUPPORT his peeps putting Betsy DeVos in as cabinet secretary but will try and weasel out with his constituents that what he REALLY wants is to get rid of her by eliminating the Department of Education. Ahole.
Being that a lot of it is still in the organizational stage and growing all the time, that’s a fair crystal ball view that it’s here to stay until the job is done and then some.
An Indivisible group is starting up in Shelbyville and their target is to get rid of Massie. There are groups reaching out for help getting their Indivisible groups up and running in Eastern KY. Berea has a good one. Just saw that there’s a klan meeting of some sort coming to Floyd County, Prestonsburg is the county seat, and I’ll will be watching to see how that goes. The group is not from the area. Very white county of course but I’m hoping it won’t go as well as the group thinks. I know that area, pretty nice people down there, and very touristy, but I hope the citizens there don’t disappoint. May go check it out depending on when it is and if I can get away. I hear it is to be held at the Jenny Wiley State Park, which that too is fucked up.
It sorts of feels like the beginning of the Watergate stuff. Took a while to build, and a lot of the time, the people investigating it were collecting evidence and not putting every single thing out there. Perhaps those who are working on it don’t want to show their hands by publishing too much? Or are spending the time and energy to cross every “t” and dot every “i” before going public?
I was wondering where my Trumpeter relatives got the whole Germany and China are manipulating currency to make dollar week shit came from. Wow they really ate lost causes