Discussion: Hundreds Of Missouri Homes Flood As River Breeches Levees

What, they couldn’t fight the water with their AR-15s?

I have no doubt these fine people will pull themselves up by their bootstraps and wisely refuse federal government assistance because that is socialist hell.


Noah’s Snark?


You know what would make this a perfect shit storm? If one or more of the 8 oil pipelines crossing the Missouri river leaks or breaks.


Although river depths were starting to level off in Nebraska on Sunday.

But they are not dropping and still above flood stage?

Why, oh why, does God so hate Missouri? Is everyone there gay, or what?


I take your point – the area is dominated by Republican politicians – but there are complications.

For example, in 2008, taking the Holt County Republican and Democratic primaries together, Hillary Clinton received the most votes. (Romney came in second, McCain and Huckabee were tied for third, and then came Obama.)

Another thing to note is that the area’s population is dwindling, and has been for decades – and the per-recipient subsidy (provided by Democratic tax-payers elsewhere) has been increasing.


But the climate isn’t changing, oh no, not at all.


MO, USA (AP) The Missouri River caught the Midwest with its britches down and is now causing havoc in states along its banks. It would be a breach of etiquette to report otherwise.

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Thoughts & Prayers

In a press conference this afternoon, a FEMA spokesperson explained that funds originally allocated to replace bridges and highways would be used on the Wall. In a tragic and unexpected development, he was torn to shreds by an angry mob.


This happens on a regular basis. Perhaps people simply shouldn’t live there (as pundits suggested shortly after Katrina)


And how many of these homes were built in the proverbial 100 year flood plain?

We were flooded in Harvey. Ain’t no picnic.


Should have read the fine print. According to NRA, guns work on hurricanes and tornadoes, no mention of flood protection efficacy.

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In addition, moving the discussion to NE, Douglas county voted for Hillary, 2016 general. We are working very hard to build coalitions in western NE, focusing on farmers affected by pipeline and climate. Give us a break. Big task ahead,


Yes, it’s hard work and deserves more publicity.

Or we could just abandon rural folk. Who needs farmers, anyway?


This is only going to get worse, and rapidly.

We here in Minnesota lost 18 inches of snowpack in 2 days because of 40+ F temps and heavy (2"+) rain for two days.
By the end of this week we will be in the 60F range (as we say here: “Spring has Sprung.”)

All that water will go downhill and that means The Missouri, Minnesota, Mississippi, St. Croix, and Wisconsin rivers are ALL going up rapidly (Fargo, ND will also get hit hard by the Red River which flows NORTH in that part of MN.)

Does anyone here think that the Trump Administration is prepared (or even GIVES A SHIT) that millions of people will be affected by this or even has any plans in place to deal with it? (other than blaming Obama of course.)


NE has 3 districts and with Repub in control, they have gerrymandered it so they control everything, except the state legislature has been bucking our alt-right Gov with a coalition of moderate Reps and Dems. Increased Dems in 2018. Forward.


Feel silly being a spellchecker when people are being flooded out - but the headline should be “River Breaches Levees”. Breeches is an old word for men’s trousers. “Breach”, noun or verb, is synonymous with "break:.

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