Discussion for article #235625
Well done!
HRC was too kind.
Bemused disdain is often the best response
Jindal sure is leading the party of Stupid these last few days.
The folks at the Human Rights Campaign do snark with absolute precision. Well played and a fun read. Please continue to do this in the future.
This made my day. I ignored the original op-ed but smiled all the way through this version. Brilliant.
More of this please - a very effective strategy for responding to Republican, nonsensical talking points.
I’m sorry. Are these people not aware that the proper response to a GOTPer spouting bullshit is to start from a position assuming it’s the truth and work it from there?
Haha. Even if we were grading on a curve, Jingle Bells would still get an F for his schlock. HRC is even better than your worst English teacher in High School, Jindal. Rhodes Scholarship, my ass…What’d they do, give those things out in a box of Cracker Jacks back then?
Couldn’t help recalling (well, I watched it like two days ago) the Simpsons episode where Mrs. Krabappel gives Bart an F on his test and writes underneath, “Very Poor Even For You.”
Brilliant and hilarious.
Bobby thinks he can get some national support and KochBucks by being the most shrill. If this was 1955, I could see him making the same argument on race, because its right there in the bible that God cursed the black man because Ham laughed at Noah. The only difference is that the crowd he is appealing to now would have lynched him back then, for daring to speak to them as a equal.
What a sad little man.
I thought it was a “blue pencil” editors used to mark up copy. Am I just getting old?
Red is the new blue. In my job, architects (as well as my boss) will note revisions in red ink.
That was a fun read. Well done, HRC!
On another note these whiny accusations about the “radical liberals” and “left-wing ideologues” coming to take your freedoms may sound good at the office water cooler or at the local bar. But it’s getting tiresome and old - particularly when you hear it stated by a governor of a state. I really wish leaders on the state level and in Congress stops this nonsensical rhetoric. It’s quite silly.
If any tries to take away my freedom to ignore Jindal, Ima gonna be pissed.
Eat it, Bojingles.
Louisiana is 32nd in job creation in the country, and Jindal seems to think it’ll be a selling point for a presidential candidate (as does Walker with Wisconsin’s 35th ranking and Christie with a 40th ranking). How they get past the piss poor numbers they haven’t figured out yet.
Why is this man ashamed to use his given name like the rest of us…his name is Payush Jindal. Why is this man ashaned to admit that his mother came to this country as an immigrant in order to give birth to Piyush making him an Ameriocan citizen. He is an anchor baby — but he is a coward who won’t admit to it…