Discussion for article #222195
Just as disgusting as the Wasilla Snowbilly’s conflation of torture with a Christian religious sacrament is her suggestion that those who question waterboarding do so not out of an honest appraisal of a massive and ethically fraught change to a policy first articulated by George Washington but, rather, out of a fear of offending terrorists’ sensibilities. This venal, incurious grifter seems simply incapable of understanding a world where honest people honestly disagree with her on complex issues. She has the emotional IQ of a three year old.
When I read Palin’s words, my reaction was “crazy”. When I saw her say the words, it became clear she is sick.
Just goes to show that for some folks, it doesn’t matter what Palin says, but how it makes them feel. No brainz required.
Ugh. That shrill voice coming from an increasingly haggish face is painful to watch. “If I were in charge…”
Fortunately we dodged that bullet in 2008.
How amazing that the Alaskan Griftbilly can justify such a statement. I’m sure she and the GOP TEAlibangelical Rightie Cons would argue that Jesus approved wholeheartedly of torture___if you squint hard enough and read ‘between the lines’ of such statements as “…love your enemy as yourself.”
~wink! wink! Ya’ ya’…you betcha!~
I agree wholeheartedly. She seems more out of touch and just plain crazy. And yet she’s still given airtime.
Walnuts McCain should be forced to answer for inflicting this Stupid Bagger Alaskan Grifter and world class embarrassment and travesty on us every fu*king Sunday when he’s on the chat shows!
Just force any terrorist to listen to whining Sh*tstain Palin for 30+seconds and they will tell all.
Jesus approves of torture - that’s why he hammered the nails in himself…
Ya’ ya’…you betcha’!
“If I were in charge…”
~tap! tap!~ Oh Sarah…There is a reason why you, vicious and narcissistic twit that you are, is not even in charge of your own grocery list.
Does Palin not realize that she is telling terrorists that if they capture any of our troops feel free to torture them, because that’s what we’re going to do to you if we capture you. Palin is a stone cold idiot.
Every time her name is mentioned, another polar bear dies.
So…MSM, stop talking about her. K?
Not to mention that McCain invited Palin to speak at one of his rallies when he was running for reelection in Arizona. Whatever integrity McCain had, if any, he flushed that down the commode when he hitched his wagon to Barracuda brain Palin.
Well McCain chose her - and this was his view on water boarding in 2008 prior to being the GOP nominee.
So why does he refuse to call her out?? He was very happy to call out Romney - who had the each way bet on water boarding as per the video.
Long awaited video of mumbling Sarah feeding her last quarters into slot machine while ashes from Pall Mall butt drift down to her rumpled inside-out dress not far off.
Har har har, Ug. Ashes into her plastic Big Gulp cup used to collect her winnings from the nickel slots. Whiskey-cig raspy voice…
Santorum: “The other side is winning and that’s why we need a gun”
Hunter S. Thompson: “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”
++ for the Good Doctor quote.
It’s OK, John. We’re baffled by everything she says.