This calls for a Scaramucci poll: “What’s the problem with accepting donations with Nazis?”
New Gop slogan for the derp south…whoops deep south:
Common sense and decency will not replace us!!!
Before he cashed it he probably made a photo copy to show to his grandchildren with great pride.
Next stop the History Channel: Roy Moore and the Hunt for NAZI Gold…
Nazis, Confederate sympathizers, and evangelicals. Now there’s a trifecta for ya.
Roy “Guns & Jesus” Moore did NAZI that coming…
It’s okay though, Moore indicated that the donation would be used for a community shower building for the local undesirables.
Of course he accepted the donation. They are good people, good people on both sides.
The towering assholery of these Republicans, egged on by the staggering degenerate assholery of Trump, is mind-blowing.
Yet despite the palapably ridiculous stupidity, venality, boorishness, incompetence, corruption, and bad will of Trump and his minions, the faithful sitll follow blindly. Why?
This short blog post explains it:
Yes, that was a fun series; I read all 5. I will use the differences between jerk and asshole in he future, I am sure.
However Aladamabama won’t give a hoot about their (latest) asshole and his dirty money. Too little money, too long ago, and for a good cause!
And his poll numbers in Alabama will:
- Go up
- Go down
- Go through the roof
Nazis, Confederates, Bible-thumpers, segregationists, what’s the difference?
Read earlier today that the race that had been 12 pts Moore edge after the primary is a dead heat. To me - reading “dead heat” = Moore’s edge has been slightly eaten into. But who knows?
I live in a red state and on rare wave elections - we upturn all sorts of predictions.
Maybe these stories will have a ripple effect? Doubtful, but also hopeful.
I feel like our country is being completed subverted by the cheesiest salesmen in plaid suits and nobody gets it. It’s like that scene in that Schwarzenegger movie where they’re saying wake up, wake up and then he kills the bad guys and jumps off the plane without a parachute and saves the day. Except America isn’t waking up.
That Nazi, confederate, evangelical connection is becoming so toxic that a student group in Princeton has just renamed itself dropping the “evangelical” part. Like everything that associates or is touched by Trump, it turns to shit. The Anthem, the NFL, the dead soldiers, healthcare, NAFTA, all diplomacy…
“Roy Moore’s Charity Accepted Donation From Nazi-Founded Group.”
Or in other words, Wednesday.
Trump: I regret that Billy Ray Moore wasn’t my first choice. He is truly a gift from White Jesus.
“Trump supporters are fear-filled assholes.”
Kinda captures the essence, n’est-ce pas ?
Who else besides the Koch Brothers would fund this crackpot but Nazis?
Princeton Nazi Fellowship just doesn’t sound right either.