Discussion: HuffPost Reporter: I Was Arrested By Guys Who 'Like Playing Dress Up'

Discussion for article #226432

Ryan may have wanted to extricate himself from the story but unintentionally trolling conservative media will make that difficult.


“Playing dress up”? That’ll go down well with the police in Ferguson. May as well painted a target on his back.


I’m beginning to worry about the health of the police officers. Isn’t it dangerous to have a Gun Boner for four days straight? They should all see a doctor.


They deserve it. Forest/Jungle military camo in an urban setting? What the hell are they trying to blend into?


As I mentioned in another thread, this is what happens when people like the followers of Clive Bundy become cops.

Say, did Ryan Reilly formerly write for TPM?


The cops look like wannabes. They wannabe soldiers in a setting where the “enemy” doesn’t get to shoot back.

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He was arrested by guys “who like playing dress up”? When did the Tea Party get involved in this?

Ferguson cops are WWIII Pre-enactors.

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I wonder if it’s because they noticed that people were being arrested, gassed and shot with rubber bullets for peaceably assembling and petitioning for redress of grievances, or just standing in their yard watching others do that, and suddenly realized those rights are in “their” amendment too?

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Dress up. I’ve had similar thoughts ever since we began to see city police equipped with what it now modern battle dress --flak vests and who knows what? They look like they’re dressed for street fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.


I seriously wonder if the reason they don’t want any videos/pictures and won’t show any badges is because MANY of the “police” in the military gear are really just local “good-ol-boys” that were hastily “Deputized” to help handle the “black menace” in Ferguson.


It’s like they finally get to play real life video games.

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We pay too much in taxes to fund LARP fantasies for white supremacists.


I hope he and his colleague sue the pants off of Ferguson. When I first read about this, I had hope that they would get the word out on what is happening there. Then I went to the CNN page and the comments are closed on ALL of the stories pertaining to this.

Now we are getting down to the meat on the bone…

Herein lies one of the basic reasons for the militarization of our local police: that they tapped these wannabe soldiers who are desperate to become one of their own violent video wargame characters.

Then they put them all together in a fratboy fellowship, and they fancy themselves a band of brothers.

Unless I missed it, Shakespeare never mentioned a Band of Bullies.

sorry, doobie, I hadn’t read this when I posted below, but we agree, these are “Call of Duty” clones without the sense to divide fantasy from reality.

Sue this ass off, Ryan. Not just for your own benefit, but for all of us and for everyone in the future who might suffer at his hand if he is left to imagine himself immune to the law he seems willing to be a bully for.

I Was Arrested By Guys Who ‘Like Playing Dress Up

You Were Arrested For Sloth While The Real Victims Suffer