Discussion: Huckabee To Leave Fox News As He Weighs 2016 Run

Discussion for article #231590

See you back on the air after the Iowa caucus, Mike. Hold the door open for Ben Carson when you exit the clown car.


Grifting campaign money has its responsibilities. And oh, is there ever going to be an ocean of cash to swill.


Finally, some reasonable discourse brought to the table!

Huckabee has both feet in his mouth at any point in time, Just another fool wasting our time.


Scumbag POS is back!

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OMG, Huckabee weighs 2,016 lbs?!?!?!?


he is delusional. zero chance of ever becoming president.

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So here we’re seeing the upside of the 2014 elections: once again, the Tea Party (aka Republicans after they lose any election) misreads the results. They see the Republican takeover of Congress as proof that the country is ready for a far-right agenda, sprinkled with some good ol’ fashioned tent-revival preaching. Honestly, I can’t think of anything better for Democrats in 2016 than a Jeb Bush-lead slate of candidates pulled, once again, so far to the right by fringe candidates that they are almost fatally wounded by convention time. If Huckabee tosses his hat in, plus Carson and whatever House member decides to play the Bachmann role, then we are going to see history repeating itself in 2016. “Let 'em die”, “Deport 'em!”, “Tear up those fake marriage licenses!”, etc. etc.

I am FAR from excited about a Clinton candidacy, but if I see a Republican clown car making the rounds like it did in 2012, I’ll be waving “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT!” signs at every busy intersection in town.


“…leaving his Fox News talk show as he considers… the Republican nomination for president…”

I hate it when struggling elites steal the career strategies of Wal-Mart employees.


The Huckster’s main mission in life is to transform the United States into a full-blown Christian theocracy.
Good luck with that.

The Huckster will be following the campaign strategy of the Newtster to keep his face in the news and gather a pathetic following to buy his next book and attend his next series of paid speeches.

“It’s hard out there for a pimp”.


not about being President … about spreading message

The grift stampede is in full swing. Huckster better be ready to fire up those evangelicals and take a BIG bite out of Bush3.

It gets better and better. Lovin it.

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“whatever House member decides to play the Bachmann role”


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He knows he has no chance of winning. So why bother? Could be one (or more) of several reasons:

  1. he makes more money raking in campaign donations than he would at Fox.
  2. his ego is so big that he needs to run to get the attention
  3. he wants to help pull the rest of the candidates further to the right.

Anyone that donates to his campaign is basically just putting the money into his personal piggy bank.

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Whenever it is that the Huckster weighs in, we will know that the the GOP field has descended into caricature once again

Huckster is the only one “Speculating” about his candidacy…most American’s could care less what this fool says or does…

Huckabee “weighs” in… ~snort!~ Well sir, while at FUX News, the ol’ boy did pack on them’ pounds again, huh? He and Ailes were probably just trying to help out Chick Fil-A!

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That strange honking sound you hear is the GOP clown car happily getting it’s maintenance done in preparation of 2016! :smiley:

We now know the Huckster, AquaBuddha, GreenEggsAndCanadianHam, The Other Bush aka “Schiavo”, and Ben “I feel God’s Fingers” Carson, are almost guaranteed to be running. And very likely The Other Cuban (aka Marco Rubio), Chris Christie (no nickname needed), Scott Walker-Koch, and maaybe even the Mittster!!!

… it’s enough to bring a tear of joy to a Democrat’s eye. =.-)