Discussion: Huckabee To Confederate Flag Question: 'It's Not An Issue' (VIDEO)

Moral Reprobate Cornpone Huck channels his inner beloved Southern Heritage:
Damn those Yankees comin’ hereh an tellin’ us how to treat our coloreds and sturin’ up trubble. Damn those Yankees.

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The “heritage” argument is manifestly bogus. South Carolina spent 5 years in the CSA. They were a British colony for 150 years, so if they insist on flying a foreign flag that represents their heritage, the Union Jack is a better choice. Or put a pecan pie on a pole and let people climb up and enjoy. Now that’s Southern heritage I could support.

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Today is June 22nd, 2015.

That part will be relevant, next year.


I don’t personally display it anywhere, so it’s not an issue for me,” Huckabee repeated. "That’s an issue for the people of South Carolina. Do you display it? I doubt it. Does anyone on your panel display it? I doubt it. For us, it’s not an issue.

And with that, investigators start their search.

Latent homosexual.

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“I don’t personally display it anywhere, so it’s not an issue for me,” Huckabee repeated. “That’s an issue for the people of South Carolina. Do you display it? I doubt it. Does anyone on your panel display it? I doubt it. For us, it’s not an issue.”

The issue at hand doesn’t have to do with personal choice, so Huckabee’s response here is a red herring–and, I see now, a shift away from states’-rights rhetoric to make the matter a personal or local one It does have to do, though, with speech sanctioned by the state, one of 50 of which Hucakbee hopes to become the President. One would hope that the individual states and their laws–in both letter and spirit–embody the high ideals we have set for ourselves at the national level. As other commenters here have pointed out, though, the Confederate flag became a state-adopted symbol of resistance to federal civil rights laws. It seems to me that this would be an issue for any citizen, let alone someone who wants to hold an office in which he would be representing the interests of all citizens.

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Yes, Arkansas famously refutes the right of outsiders to interfere in what they consider purely internal matters. Gov. Orval Faubus said screw SCOTUS, Arkansas schools were staying segregated. Ike took control of the Arkansas National Guard, sent in the 101st Airborne and disabused Arkansas of the notion they were a nation unto themselves, free to pursue whatever idiocies they desired. A visit from the 101st Airborne to Charleston might be what the doctor ordered.

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In a sane world, any politician running for President would not even consider support for flying the flag of a failed rebellion against the very country you are running to be the leader. I mean, just try and follow that logic…" I support the attempt made 150 years ago to overthrow Federal law and the Constitution…so vote for me now so I can swear to uphold that very same Constitution"


Relatedly: Huckster when full gun nut protect yourself in church with your packed heat.
Take a moment to comprehend the appalling moral depravity of this position:
A Caucasian male from a state of Confederate Treason is telling Americans- and in this instance Black Americans in their church- that the final destination of our struggle Freedom, Justice and Domestic Tranquility is to go to church with a gun cloaked in fear to protect yourself there- in a church!- from attack by a racist cornpone bigot. This is your America, Huckster? Huckster, you are a shrieking fucking moral depravity.


True, but most of the GOP candidates ARE running to represent the nation they want to lead. It’s just that nation is the CSA, and leading it means milking it for PAC money, TV gigs, speaking tours, book sales, radio shows, etc. They don’t have realistic aspirations of becoming President of the United States. Being defacto President of the CSA is a better paying gig anyway.


A minimum wage worker today could not afford the full cost of food, clothing, shelter and medical care, that traitor state legislatures once mandated their slave owners to provide. This is in no way meant as a compliment to the traitor state legislatures.

If slave ownership were legal today, it would be an exclusive privilege of the 1%.

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This fetid bag of puss bloviated at length about Beyonce and about reality tevee baby farmers, yet it is somehow unbecoming for him and other presidential candidates to be asked their opinion about a state continuing to use a symbol that is front and center in the history of the country he wants to lead and that many Americans find hateful and incendiary??


Except, they aren’t softball questions. Those cadidates know exactly who butters their bread and you know its the folks who are happy to see the stars and bars flying over the freaking statehouse. And they vote!

As an Atheist, it’s tempting to believe in the concept of Hell when I hear “demons” like Huckabee peddling his rancid right wing jive talk. Clearly, he has no fear of eternal damnation judging from his non-stop prevaricating, and moral depravity.

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(Shudders – almost violently for a second) Oh, dog!! – Please NOT!!

Chuck n’ Huck conspiring to make DavidGregory good.

May I do something that’s almost never done here? That is put in a good word for a Republican. Namely, State Rep Brannon who is sponsoring a bill to remove this flag. He’s probably as loony as the rest on most issues, but he at least has the courage to do the right thing even though his constituents disagree and he may lose his seat. If forced to have a Republican President he’d be a better choice than any of these profiles in cowardice.

In Huck logic land, as President, if it is not an issue for him personally, it won’t be addressed through his role as leader of the free world.

NO problems with a state flying the hate banner, but boy of boy, he’s has plenty of problems if you marry or love someone he doesn’t think you should.


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Actual quote from my great-grandfather: “I ain’t racist, I let some o’them Darkies come up to the big house and serve me there. If I got Darkies in my house, how can I be racist?”


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