Discussion: Huckabee To Confederate Flag Question: 'It's Not An Issue' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #237692

You don’t get much more ill-informed or non-caring than Huckabee and the like. I hope he just keeps on speaking his mind and makes it far this primary season. America, this is today’s Republican Party.


He had plenty to say in 2004 when Massachusetts adopted marriage equality.


Without even reading the thread Chuck Todd has zero credibility on anyone and any subject.

“‘Meet The Press’ In Hot Water After Airing Gun Violence Video Featuring Only Black Shooters”

Quite sure as day progresses this will be BIG ON TPM today.


¨Huckabee said that South Carolina has a female governor and an African American senator, making it unfair to critcize [sic] the state for their flag.¨

No, Mike. No, it doesn’t.


" I can;t be bothered to weigh in on something that will make me look bad" –


Hucky would rather spend his time defending the Duggar pervs.


“You don’t like people from outside the state coming in and telling you what to do with your flag,” Huckabee said.

“In fact, if somebody came to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we’d tell 'em what to do with the pole; that’s what we’d do,” he added.

Blaming “outside agitators.” Typical Southern conservative attitude. Same attitude we heard from George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Gov. Faubus of Arkansas.


I just don’t get it. This entire Charleston massacre tragedy has put softball questions to the GOP Klown Kar and one by one, they fail spectacularly to respond authentically as human and sentinent beings. First it was denial that it was a racist act and neither just a horrific crime or (my personal favorite) another attack on us poor beleaguered Christians. Well, after a few days most of them finally acceded to the killer’s own words as to his motivation. And now The Flag as a potent symbol of hate and finding moral courage is near impossible.


I didn’t see it – but they really did that? OMGosh. Seriously, I need to be working again in mass media as they are sorely missing common sense.


Huckabee = King of the Pig People


For such a family-values kinda guy, Huck sure has a penchant for jokes that are, if not quite “dirty,” at least tending that way.


“Shoving poles” - Not just a Freudian slip, but a Freudian slip with matching Freudian bustier and Freudian garter belt.


Yes, it’s always shoving something down or up some Christian’s orifice. That’s always a dead giveaway as to where their minds reside.


Huckanass continued, “Hey Todd, we got lots of those darkies walking around and breathing and everything, and we haven’t lynched any of them latterly, so clearly, we are not racists.”


Nobody is asking the president to do anything or a future president to do anything about it. The problem is perception. There is a Confederate flag, and honestly not even the correct one, that symbolizes a time when the South tried to tare apart the U.S. on the grounds that they were not left in their own fiefdoms. They were for state rights insomuch as it let them get away with whatever they wanted locally and many of their state Constitutions enshrined slavery.

I do not understand the heritage argument either. With the current people living their ancestors that may have fought for the South had to have been so far removed that they would not garner morning from current people. Interest of their past maybe, but that does not mean they have to celebrate what they did, just note it. It does not make sense on any level.

Also, saying that they have a woman governor and a black senator is like saying I am not racist because I have black friends or sexist because I have female friends. Not a good argument. The legislature showed itself to be fairly racist by flying a flag that is not historically accurate and to enshrine an era of treason.


The Flag of Southern Treason didn’t fly over the South Carolina statehouse until 1961. They started flying it as a challenge to, and in defiance of, the Civil Rights Movement on the 100th Anniversary of the start of the Civil War

The Day the Flag Went Up


My problem with the Confederate flag flying over government buildings is that it represents a different country, and flying it over our buildings is tantamount to treason. You are essentially saying that you want to be under that other country’s rule, that other country’s Constitution, that other country’s morals.

Imagine if Louisiana decided to start flying the French flag over their government buildings? Or Texas flew Mexico’s flag? Or Alaska decided to hang the Russian flag over Sarah Palin’s old office?

This is the United States of America. If you want to live in the Confederate States of America (a country built by people who seceded because they lost elections and didn’t want to have to deal with democracy despite being given the overwhelming advantages of the US Senate and the 3/5ths rule) then either build a time machine or openly rebel.

This flag flying thing is childish, petty treason. Either give it up or actually take up arms.


“… what to do with your flag.”

The Confederate States of America doesn’t exist any more than Rhodesia does. That is not “your flag” but the flag of a failed country founded by people who thought owning other people as property was just fine, one that signed treaties stating it was no more and then its leaders were essentially pardoned by the US. Robert E. Lee became a college President after leading an army in rebellion against his country! Can you imagine any other country in the world allowing that to happen now, much less in the 1800s?

That is a flag that represents treason, bigotry and violence. If that is your flag, you have real issues.


Well…Huck and Todd will never get an abortion either…so I guess it should be a non-issue with them.

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