Way to keep it classy, GOP reps. What was that you were saying about Steve King?
If there is actually any Republican “leadership”, there should be some type of chastisement of such behavior. I’m not holding my breath.
I’m not holding my breath.
Good cause you would be dead waiting…
Being too polite against the GOP idiots, but you know this wouldn’t have happened in the previous House session last year under Ryan.
There would’ve been polite chuckles and no further comment.
How good do you look in blue?
Typical GOP racist c***s***ers on parade.
Smart money has got to be on Matt Gaetz.
“It is not immediately clear who on the Republican side of the chamber yelled the remark.”
Sounds like something Steve King would shout out, but then there are a lot of racists like Steve King in the Rethuglikan House.
it is unclear if the remark was made in a racist spirit, or a reference to the delegation of Democrats who traveled to Puerto Rico last weekend.
It can be both… and with past as prologue…
Long gone. Even when Steve King asks what moral authority others in his caucus have to reprimand him it’s a point well taken.
All that’s left is propping up Dear Leader and paying back their rich donors. It’d be a great farce if they weren’t so powerful.
Sounds like the Steve King caucus is at it again.
It wasn’t clear who said it because it sounded like a white man, which means it could have been any one of them.
re: your last line Ms Riga -
nope, it was racist.
Wow…just wow. You’ve think after the dust-up over King this week, they would be a LITTLE more circumspect…Okay…I can’t…Keep…a…Straight…face…laughter taking…over.
I teach small groups of 7-year olds as a demonstration model for future teachers. We focus primarily on delivery of appropriate content, but we also discuss parameters of acceptable behavior. I’m fairly lenient because kids getting active or shouting out an answer are normal responses for them. However, no child in that class would be allowed to yell out a pejorative about a peer. That is simply unacceptable in a kids’ class - but adult GOP members do this kind of thing routinely. Sad. . . . . .
Idiot probably thinks PR’s another country, too, that’s truly how stupid these mooks are.
Censure him, don’t allow this behavior.
Politico reported that Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) shouted the remark. Smith’s spokesperson said in a statement that “Congressman Smith’s comment was directed at all the Democrats who were vacationing down in Puerto Rico last weekend during the government shutdown, not towards any individual member.”
Man, the same week Congress spanks Steve King for his racist bullshit, this guy from Missouri proves the point that had been made some time ago- Republicans support this racist stuff.You would think Congressman Smith would have been a little more introspective, thoughtful, sensitive, polite or professional, but no. This is who the Republican Party is today. It’s only going to get worse as the Democratic Caucus gets more diverse and the Republican Party gets less diverse.
Wow…try and clean up after yourself you petty twit…taking lessons from Donnie we see…don’t worry. It’ll be used the next time you run to show your bigotry…I don’t think Missouri wants to be known as the state that sends you to Congress.