It was cool. Good promotion
Funny, same thing Trump said about running…
Will someone PLEASE call Sean Hannity!
Thing is, this discussion assumes that Trump was more consistent in 2002-03 than he is today. Why would we assume that? Trump can be on one side of an issue this minute, the other side the next and the original side a minute after that. So why would we be surprised if he was on both sides about the Iraq war.
Let’s see if Trump is dumb enough to take on Stern. This, effectively, ends their friendship, I’m sure. The thin-skinned Trump won’t be able to process this.
About as straightforward as it gets -
There’s no evidence that Trump opposed the Iraq war before it started - and Stern confirms Trump said he was for Iraq War In 2002
As LBJ said, “When you’ve lost Walter Cronkite Howard Stern …” LOL
You are so right!
The fact that the second part of what he said on Stern’s show back in 2002, “I wish the first time it was done correctly” is proof Trump is lying when he claimed he opposed the idea of invading Iraq. He was all for it. Thinks we should have overthrown Saddam back in 1991 instead of not turning north to Bagdad at the end of Desert Storm. This also destroys his fraudulent claims about what he says he argued in private bull sessions with Sean Hannity is a pure crock of shit.
That Trump is a pathological liar and bullshitter is well established. How anyone in the media, or in the electorate, can’t see and fully grasp this, that anything Trump says is bullshit escapes me.
Having someone with such a profound and deep flawed character (to say nothing of not knowing what the fuck he is talking about) in the most important position in the world (literally) is simply not an acceptable option. No rational, sane, responsible adult should ever honestly support Trump. Even tacitly by refusing to vote for, and get everyone they know as well, for Hillary Clinton.
When Trump insisted at the debate that he was against the war, claiming he said it would “destabilize Iraq”, I knew he was full of shit. NO WAY would the word “destabilize” exit his anus-shaped lips. Nope. He’s not smart enough nor prescient enough to have predicted that.
He’s trying to use the same argument Candidate Obama used against Hillary when he ran against her. But Trump should let go of this plan of attack because it doesn’t work for him. Particularly since he’s on tape being wishy washy wobbly about the matter.
Well, we really didn’t need Howard to confirm because we have the audio, but…
fa fa foo hi.
Trump: “How-wad’ … How-wad’ who? Never heard of him. Sounds like a loser.___ Ohhhh! That How-wad’. we only talked about classy stuff on his show. You know…hot pieces of a**, women on their knees, boob jobs…you know. Classy stuff. We didn’t talk about Iraq. Sorry to disappoint you scum media people.”
I just pray to FSM Howard Stern doesn’t have a sex tape…
But you see, if “we had done it correctly the first time” (i.e. in 1991) somehow magically it would not have been destabilizing.
See, that statement which was the crucial part often left out of the salient part of what he said on the Howard Stern Show in 2002, gives proof that Trump is simply lying about what he said in 2002 for politically exploitive and dishonest reasons here in 2016.
Good point - and one I had not considered before.
Trump likes being on the winning side. So if things had gone swell, he could say he was all for it. Things went bad - now he claims he was against it from the start.
Thanks for the reminder. Explains perfectly his yo-yo, flip-flop attitude about this.
The YamMan shares his thoughts on 911 and the Iraq invasion:
OK. I call Sean Hannity an asshole. There, done.
It’s not a campaign, it’s a movement…
Albeit kind of watery and malodorous.
Yes, the angry former frat rat crowd is basically half of Trump’s support.
Will he follow his instincts and go on offense against Stern?