Discussion: How Trump Won Over The Republican Party

Fear and loathing in Cleveland.


I read predictions that HRC is about a 3 to 1 favorite to win. That sounds about right to me. Perceptions of Mr. Trump’s strength are distorted by how much free press he gets. While I don’t like that I understand it. Traditional pols (like HRC) are boring. They analyze difficult issues and make cautious and carefully crafted statements. If they are policy wonks (Like HRC) they discuss a lot of complex issues that the general public neither understands nor has much interest in.

On the other hand, Mr. Trump is a walking 3 ring circus. Chaos follows him wherever he goes and he is likely to ‘pull a rabbit out of his hat’ or start a ring side fight at any time. He is that video of a slow motion car crash on the ice or multi-car freeway pileup that you just can’t take your eyes off. If you are a typical overworked MSM reporter, what would you choose: sifting through the details of HRC’s most recent policy statement or transcribing Mr. Trump’s latest insult or wild statement?


You’re probably right, but I saw an interesting take on what Trump is trying to do.
The theory is that he is hoping to bring new voters to the polls by making things interesting. The disaster of the convention doesn’t matter, if new people were paying attention. I’m skeptical, but we’ll see.
I don’t feel that Hillary has this locked up.


well i hope the gop is proud of their new frankenstein creation,problems we will have to suffer for it if he wins and that the gop will never admit that this is their fault and theirs alone


Great Trump Speech, America First! Stop Wars! Defeat the Corrupt elites! Protect our Borders!, Fair Trade! Couldn’t have said it better!

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) July 22, 2016

His target audience was impressed.


A rabid dog howling to the pound.


Trump is not accustomed to having more than one audience for what he is saying: he thought he could push NATO countries to pay more without giving Russia ideas and backing our signed And long established treaties is not a redline for him. There is a reason the banks will no longer deal with this man. If he were elected, other countries would want as little to do with us as possible. A rearming world is not in our best interests,


*aka ‘a little rough around the edges’

Since, of course, even as a Republican I wouldn’t want you to think I believe in such insane cruel things – I’m just going to vote for someone who proposes to do those insane cruel things. /s


Black people want to be treated like human beings and that makes white people feel unsafe. I couldn’t be more disgusted with my fellow white people than I am right now. Who are these scared little rabbits who think they own the world? They deserve to own nothing except their full diapers.


Superb. Andy Borowitz couldn’t have done better.


This is what has me worried. Reminds me of Bush v Kerry, and we all know how that tuned out. The polling was similar at this stage in the election, and Bush was more dumb than crazy but…



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It is no longer the Republican Party but the Trump Party . /s

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The big point that most people are not respecting, is the incredible depth of surrogates that Hillary has…Michelle, Barack, Bill, Bernie, Elisabeth,Sharod,The Castro Brothers, Al Franken, Cory, Vilsack, Al Gore,The Biden’s are all All Stars of the Democratic Party…Being able to mix and match them based on demographics is a major advantage.Bernie and Elizabeth together on the trail will be very powerful. Baracks popularity is at an all time high. Biden is the most powerful politican in Pa. Vilsack Franken & Sharod Brown will help cary the rust belt. She also has the largest selection of celebrities ever assembled at her disposal …Outside of Trumps children, he has nobody. There wasn’t one person at the RNC convention that would draw a crowd…


Donald Trump – an anti-politician, a man who shattered the ceiling of political correctness and prescribed policies that the establishment in his own party have argued would fundamentally reshape the country – was the unifying answer to a vast and yet vague anger and anxiety penetrating the Republican Party.

Like an obituary written in advance-- the writer has been waiting for the moment to plug-in this lede paragraph.

This is not the apt description of what happened in Cleveland over 4 days.
What occurred-- is like 4-day-old leftovers in the fridge.

Standing with the door open-- asking:
Do you really want to eat that?
Are you willing to accept the consequences?
Common sense says don’t even think about it.

Yet here we are.
Staring at something spoiled as if it were worth consuming.



Save this one ID.
We’ll revisit it at the wake in 14 weeks.



That’s what scary to me. If the MSM is abdicating their responsibility because it’s boring, how can they inform the electorate?
Whom would we rely on if this dangerous man were to win?

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I’d like to see an estimate of the costs involved in Trump’s vision.

For a guy that represents the end of the Bush GOP, his desire to drastically cut taxes while “rebuilding” the military when combined with the other goals Trump laid out would cost insane amounts of money and is going to explode the debt to a large degree.

I’m a little surprised that the GOP base would be fooled again.


Or Bush Vs Gore.

Going into both elections, I was sure W couldn’t win.