Discussion: How The Trump Camp And Its Allies Explained Away Melania Trump's Speech

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How The Trump Camp And Its Allies Explained Away Melania Trump’s Speech

It’s Michelle’s fault.


I have an English degree, so allow me to explain how plagarism works…

Yes, I understand that Michelle Obama doesn’t own the copyright to any of these words, they’re all in the dictionary… But when you use the same words, in the same order (even paraphrased slightly) then you need to attribute the original writer, or face academic suspension and expulsion…

Much as how their are millions of pieces of written music out there, but they manage to all be different, there are a near infinite combination of words, so it’s not hard to spot when you express the same broad sentiments, but in the same words and order as someone else, who also happened to be speaking in front of millions of people.

I do enjoy Lewandowski’s Manafort (edited as I misattributed originally) defense, “There’s no way she would be as stupid as to plagiarize in a speech she knew 35 million people would be watching…”

You said it, not me, pal.


Melania actually wrote the speech, Michelle just gave it first.


Of course coming from Trump, who likes to sue people, these defenses/responses are just silly. All of them would be laughed out of court and no high school teacher grading a term paper would listen to such excuses either. The speech gets an “F” from any competent teacher and a "liable for plagiarism " finding from any competent judge or jury. Can you imagine the Republicans accepting any of these “explanations” if the shoe were on the other foot and its was Michelle Obama being accused??


badly ?


They can’t straight-up acknowledge plagiarism, because that would require they do something about it.

My theory is that they know that whoever lifted those lines from Michelle Obama’s speech is someone they can’t fire – someone in Trump’s inner circle, or a family member. Maybe Melania herself. If it was a low- to mid-level staffer, his or her head would already be on a spike in front of Trump Plaza.

No, they’re denying this is even a thing because they can’t follow through on actually holding the responsible person accountable.


New defense: sure she copied the words but she changed the meaning. When Melania said “your word is your bond” you have to take that in the context of Trump’s plan to refuse to pay back Treasury Bonds. So her point was that her words are worthless. That’s not what Michele meant now was it?

Free Melania Trump!


Everyone in the GOP is just bummed we aren’t all talking about Melania’s dress today, instead of her words. She’d have been better walking down a ‘fabulous’ runaway of some sort at the convention, showing off her couture and just leaving it there.

And is it just me, or does Manafart remind anyone of a washed-up lounge singer, stuck on the seedier side of town…like definitely off the main strip in Vegas. I think the baritone voice is a dead giveaway. How can anyone forget, his ability to persuade dictators to hire him. Isn’t that what led the Dumpster to hire him for this gig? Like most people that work for tRump, he’s just one more cog amongst the hired help…no better than the guy that shines Rump’s shoes, presses his suits, gets his coffee or helps organize the biggest confab the GOP has on their schedule to introduce their candidate and his wife.

Let’s face it…the entire operation for tRump is run by neophytes and sycophants. Or, as I like to say yes-men and newbies. This shitfest all comes from the top. That would be the Dumpster himself. Its his “Greatest Show on Earth”. Greatest clusterfuck, that is. If he can’t run a fucking convention, he sure as hell shouldn’t run the country.


“in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking.”
The rest of it was pure horseshit.


I literally read on social media that Michelle was lying when she gave her speech and Milania was telling the truth so it is OK.


I didn’t steal that stuff out of your house! I just added to my apartment those items that reflected my own decorating preferences.

Oh and people who accuse others of plagiarism are the True Plagiarizers.


Is it wrong to be basking in the schadenfreude of it all? Yes, these people are dangerous and scary. But their sheer ineptitude and stupidity may actually save us.

It’s a simple scandal, but the kind that will have “legs.” It won’t go away because it’s easy to get a meme going. Plus any reasonable person won’t believe the “excuses” they’re flinging right now. So I’m feeling a lot of glee about this. Is that wrong? (Rhetorical question.)


That was snark.
S N A R K.

Check your meter, it really needs a tuneup.


OMG, I just heard Andrea fucking Greenspan say, “if you’re gonna steal a speech, wouldn’t you be better off stealing from a Republican instead of Democrat?” Seriously, you hack? Why? So a Republican can say it was OK if they ran into any trouble later on? I hate this woman. They put her on as a political reporter and pretend she’s objective and non-partisan and she’s never been anything of the sort. Time to turn off the TV.


93% of it is hers??? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s one of Manafort’s excuses? rotflmao

Well, 75% of this family of meerkats is the same but …but as a whole it just doesn’t work, does it? Hmmmm? Nope!
(I think it’s cute as hell, but the meerkats aren’t OK with it.)


how dare michelle obama use up the best words! it’s just not fair.


This is reverse racism, pure and simple. When a black woman says something, everyone says how wonderful and smart it is. But when a white woman says the exact same thing she’s totally criticized for it! What’s up with that libs?


They are busted, pure and simple. It’s amateur hour at Trump HQ. Manafort is allegedly throwing Melania under the bus saying she added the plagiarized portions to the speech!

And if we know anything at all about Trump, we know you don’t mess with his current wife or current mistress/next wife.

But worst of all for Trump el al, on my local Fox affiliate this morning, they had video of Michelle and then Melania to highlight the plagiarism. Once it makes the local news, it’s all over.

Another day of messaging lost.

And when Donald wakes up to hear his campaign chair is conducting a whisper campaign against his wife, he’s done.