Discussion: How The Trump Admin's New Medicaid Transparency Push Could Come Back To Haunt Them

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"In other words, the Trump administration’s new push for transparency could, if done in good faith, "

end of discussion.


In other words, the Trump administration’s new push for transparency could, if done in good faith

I think I’ve spotted the error in your reasoning.


Nice article, Alice!

So, Trump’s policies will result in many people being unable to afford health insurance and also now denied federal assistance.

So, the accepted Republican Christian morality is to let people die. Whew, sure sounds like Eden.

Liberalism, on the other hand, starts with a common societal value, an American biggie being pro-life. Not the right-wing, politically-correct, politician single-issue pro-life. Liberals are talking birds-and-bees stuff here. All life comes first above all, and starting from there we use our Yankee ingenuity and mutual concerns to bang out a program to make sure no one dies needlessly or in pain.

Honestly, I can understand why some conservatives hate liberalism and why some conservatives fear the “our shared values” part of liberal tradition, but for the life of me I can’t understand how God-fearing, fiscally-conservative Republican voters can accept the twisted and decadent effects their leaders are producing.


Out of the states that reported data, Louisiana had the lowest rate of adequately treating Medicaid enrollees diagnosed with high blood pressure, 26 percent, while Rhode Island had a high of 72 percent. The rate of women receiving postpartum checkups ranged from just 21 percent in Oklahoma to 74 percent in Rhode Island. And the rate of children between the ages 3 to 6 enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP who receive adequate medical care varied from 48 percent in Idaho to 86 percent in Massachusetts.

To Trumpublicans, letting poor people suffer needlessly and die prematurely is a feature, not a bug.


Well the key words are “if done in good faith. “ To the extent that Republicans have power, it won’t be.

Besides. Even if the metrics judge Republican policies harshly, as I have no doubt they will, they are still wasting more money judging people than helping. When I say you could help six people for the cost of judging five, these kinds of judgements factor into it as well.


If done in Christian-hypocritical-faith.


The shit-admin will not care:
1 – stats are years old, by the time the stats catch up they will be long gone and/or have wrecked everything,
2 – they just don’t give a fuck, they got theirs therefore it is their duty to shit on everyone else.



balanced budget here we come.

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In other words, the Trump administration’s new push for transparency could, if done in good faith

TPM has added a humor section?


A job is a contract for someone else to make money off your labor. And Republicans are the someone elses in this equation. Well here In northern Wisconsin, lots of people work year round without having a job, because Someone Else won’t pay :moneybag: $10 an hour.

I like to think of harvesting wild rice. One person steers the canoe while the other grabs an armful of rice blades and whacks them with a stick, until the grains fall off into the canoe. If any politician who voted for MA work requirement waivers had to do it, it would be the hardest work day of their lives and they’d probably go home sick at noon. Well I wonder how many ricers could be effectively managed by a supervisor in a gold plated kayak, to document their hours for the state. The whole thing is ridiculous.

And still, facts are “stubborn things.” Don’t you worry, Verma and Trump will find some way to twist this to their advantage.

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“the Trump administration’s new push for transparency could, if done in good faith, reveal the negative effects of the dramatic policy changes to Medicaid that the administration is promoting.”

“if done in good faith”



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Seema Vermin is a despicable human being.