Discussion for article #231243
But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg must stay healthy. Her ego prevented her from leaving. Now the court is in peril.
Be prepared for endless bloviating about dangerous liberal judges who are going to destroy our way life
The term “Nuclear Option” is being used everywhere now and is becoming meaningless. For instance, I used the nuclear option when getting rid of an Ikea shelf unit, by breaking it into pieces that would fit inside of two giant trash cans. Now I’ve irradiated the local landfill. OR HAVE I?
“I say to my friends on the other side of the aisle: you’ll regret this,” McConnell said in November 2013. “And you may regret it a lot sooner than you think.”
Big deal. They already regret every day they have to look at your sour puss.
“Before Obama, 59 percent of the active judges were white males. Now it’s down to 51 percent. That’s quite a change in 6 years,” Wheeler said. “You probably want to have a judiciary that looks like the people it’s serving, and if they’re all white males then you don’t have that.”
Wow. That is a big deal.
I just don’t get the logic of caving into the threat of “Don’t you dare override our obstruction. If you do, we’ll block everything in the future” from people who are already blocking everything you do in the present. All these judges who were held up for years, so finally they went around the GOP and got them appointed. The down side is that the GOP will go on obstructing Obama’s appointments? Were they ever going to NOT obstruct them?
My only complaint is that it took so long for the Ds to understand this. I guess inertia is a powerful drug.
For some reason democrats only seem to utilize power when some of
it has been taken from us. Republicans–when they didn’t have the
oval office, senate or house acted like they had won all of them in a landslide.
Yeah, republicans are crazy—but their delusions seemed to get them more
from frightened democrats who really had the power.
In a just world (Planet Vogsphere!)-- what would occur each time a ®-- even thought–
about obstructing the country’s progress:
So, just more of the same?
I can handle that. I tend to ignore whining conservatives.
It’s a peril that this country needed to come back to its senses.
My grandmother and my aunts all used to complain constantly about how terrible their hairdressers were. But when you’d ask them why they didn’t try someone else if their current service provider was so terrible, they’d each and everyone say “well, someone new might be worse.”
I never cease to be amazed at how powerfully the fear of an unknown possible evil weighs in the face of a known evil. Hell, it kept me from switching cell phone carriers for years.
Nuclear Option doesn’t apply to Supreme Court justices.
Loved all of Douglas Adams’ books.
Actually, having one of the more liberal judges leave and need to be replaced might set up an honest debate again in this country about what being liberal really means. I bet a lot of “Republicans” don’t know about their Democratic roots and long for them especially after losing so much of their standard of living, privacy rights and retirement savings.
Being conservative now means making sure the middle class is underemployed, pregnant and constantly under stress to too many people these days. Liberals are for peace and prosperity for all.
I’d also love to have Congressional Republicans rejecting one liberal after another till it becomes painfully obvious that there is nothing wrong with liberals; it’s conservatives who cannot ratify a person purely on their qualifications…just like they have been mistreating and slandering women, minorities, gays and the working man in this country.
Let Republicans paint themselves into a bigoted corner even further with the younger generations till they can’t ever recover from it at the polls.
She can still do the job. Setting up a blatant precedent where you retired in the face of pressure for political reasons isn’t great either. What we have to do is ensure a Democrat wins in '16.
What’s hilarious about this is that Obama has probably been able to appoint more judges because of the nuclear option being in place than if he had to work under the old rules. If the Republicans hadn’t been so brainlessly, obdurately obstructive on every freaking nominee and had instead yielded strategically on a few of Obama’s nominees, the nuclear option wouldn’t have been employed by Reid, and Obama would have had fewer of his choices approved overall.
If only he could have shifted the Supreme Court during that span but the dynamics are what they are.
Helps offset the depredations of St. Ronnie, Bush Pere and Bush The Younger, aka Le Dauphin.