Discussion: How The GOP Ended Up With An Avowed Nazi As Its Nominee For A House Seat

My first guess without reading the article
They are Nazi’s, they like Nazi’s and they voted for a Nazi
Just listen to what Trump said at his “Rally” last night.
Start goosesteppin’ baby , it won’t be long

If you can stomach it
Jebus Tapdancing Christ


IL3 has nazis in it, including a very racist bit of Chicago (Mt. Greenwood) that went 70% for Trump. It’s a cop neighborhood. Lipinski isn’t attacking a self-identified Nazi. That should tell you how messed up that distract is. Wouldn’t want to overstep with the Trumper Nazi Blue Collar Union Cop and Fireman vote!

I predict the GOP will lose but outperform expectations in the district.

Perhaps relatedly, IL3 also has lots and lots of immigrants, too, including lots of immigrant Muslims in Brideview and Worth. Needless to say, that’s not popular with the fascist-forward set.


Needs an edit:

Jones received over 20,000 votes on the Republican side —presumably some good people

Now it’s Trump approved.


If real Nazis were in charge, these half assed wannabes would be first in line at the showers.


TL:DR - S**t Attracts Flies


This is on the republican voters of that district.

You don’t get a Nazi candidate unless people vote for one.

He’s an asshole but he’s only one asshole.

What does it say about the people who voted for him? Volumes.


Trump ,like the Nazi’s,tell you what you want to hear but don’t tell only they will have these rights.
You are just a vote to get them elected and then shut up .

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I can’t help it, I always find it absolutely hilarious that Republicans are so surprised when Nazis win GOP primaries.

I mean, seriously, Republicans have been pursuing a strategy of appealing to racists for 60 years now, give or take 5. Their base constantly bitches about liberals, commies, feminists, muslims, the blacks, the jews, the gays, immigrants, and how their country is being taken away from them by traitors on welfare – all rhetoric straight from the fascist playbook.

What did they think was going to happen? Of course white supremacists and neo-Nazis vote for, and run for office as, Republicans. That’s what you get when you spend three score years appealing to racial bias and bigotry.

The tone of dismayed surprise and offended sensibility Republicans put on whenever this happens is the purest irony around and high comedy at its finest.


He isn’t that different from the typical Repug, he is just open about it.


In fact . . . " It’s formatted with the sort of random capitalization and bolded quotes you might see on a conspiracy theorist’s blog circa 2003." Or Dear Leader’s tweets in 2018.


… reporting what he said.


presumably including some cast by voters unfamiliar with his views.

I’m having trouble deciding who’s worse, the people that knew and voted for him anyway, or the people that didn’t spend any time figuring out who they were actually voting for. A staggering amount of ignorance in both groups.


Jones is an afflicted white man who is “inferior” because he’s white.

Deep inside he feels solely incompetent and he has to act out his weakness to improve his image to himself. That’s a serious inferior complex folks!


Insecurity is the fuel behind all sexist, racist behavior. Fear of falling to the bottom rung of the social ladder and then falling off drives their need to kick everyone who isn’t white and male in the teeth. They are MORE than happy to support the launch of the Forth Reich if it means they can live in a racist sexist society that values white maleness without merit.

And they ARE without merit. Uneducationed, financially insecure, racist white men are truly at the bottom of our social ladder at this point in history. They put themselves there. Everyone else identifies with a group that works harder to succeed. Only the broke white males have a chip on their shoulder about their lot in life. Blame is the only thing they know how to do. They are indeed losers, in the true sense of the word.


How do Nazis end up running for office for the GOP? How does water find its own level?


Trump: Obama is from Illinois. Why would you expect anything else from that blue state?

Way too early for me to be looking at a trump …what do i call it? It’s not a speech or anything like “prexidential”… its the blather of a carnival barker raking in the rubes.


How the GOP ended up with an avowed Nazi as its nominee? I don’t know, maybe its just a good fit.