Discussion: How The GOP Base Keeps Its Leaders In Line On Obamacare Repeal

Discussion for article #222074

After the candidates being supported by the Drudgebots and RedStaters lose their primary races,then what?

“one-size fits all approach”

There’s nothing about Obamacare that is one-size fits all. You literally get a choice of several coverage levels with different deductible amounts from as many insurance providers as wish to compete in your state. It couldn’t be any less one-size fits all.


As long as the GOP continues to bow down to it’s most extreme right leaning members, I will consider it to be, well… EXTREME !-- Fanaticism on any end of a spectrum is dangerous – The republican party, as a whole, is becoming so extreme that they are not very far away from tactics that I consider to be close to those used by the Taliban – Restricting voting rights, restricting women’s choice, and deregulation of things such as worker protections and environmental issues to name just a few-- They are well on the way of becoming full on domestic terrorists-- ( If they don’t get their way, they have no problem tearing things down around them( and us) )-- I, for one, WILL be voting the midterms ! !

Alas, the debate about the ACA is not about the facts. At this point, we have entered a phase in which the cult members have emerged from their bunker only to realize that their prophet’s apocalyptic predictions did not come to pass. However, instead of re-evaluating their beliefs, the sect doubles down on their convictions. We’ve a ways to go before the right can engage in a reasoned debate on this topic.

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This is what happens when you so successfully poison the well getting your base onboard. They’ve made it hard for themselves to go back to their original position.
A recent poll shows that the majority of people don’t want the law repealed. They prefer that any problems be fixed. This is obviously the more sensible position.

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The often repeated argument of “one size fits all” being unviable is uber reactionary. Everyone gets sick and every one dies, ERGO everyone needs one size fits all medical care. The Nazi right wing love to parse a situation by de emphasizing certain aspects so that they MAKE MORE MONEY. In the area of medical care, by NOT using one size fits all they can happily deny poor people the same medical care, charge the government more, have luxury care for the rich (and make them pay trough the nose) , cut corners overcharge and do all the things they do to make the medical profession scam the most lucrative in the world. By standardizing care they can deliver more cheaply and with better quality- the right winger’s nightmare scenario.

Agreed. Also, the fact that the federal HHS allowed some GOP-led states to enact a “private option” to accommodate Medicaid expansion via private insurance makes a lie out of this claim.