Discussion: How The Debate Debacle Could Backfire On Republicans

Discussion for article #242432

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Time to take up Cruz’s suggestions and have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin be the moderators to ask the tough questions such as, “How many years should Hillary Clinton be sentenced to jail for the murder of Ambassador Stevens?”


There are 10 of them up there. Tough questions help distinguish them from the pack. But I guess it’s easier to whine than shine.


The candidates are absolutely right to insist that no pipe-organ circus music be played in the background during questioning.


These big-talking lightweights are your basic schoolyard bullies. They act all tough until you punch them in the nose, then they start squealing like stuck pigs. As Obama said, they all talk a big game about taking on people like Putin, but then they can’t handle Becky Quick? Wankers, every one of them.


They are advocating censorship, and couldn’t appear more foolish than they already do.


How ya gonna take on ISIS if you can’t handle John Harwood?


Whose objective is to take the country with it.


Just keep the room temperature at or about 67 degrees and everything will be peachy.LOL!


Gee, Steve, yah think all that alleged bias just might be brought on by their stupid, regressive, misogynistic, anti-minority, anti-abortion stances? If those biases are so, so great, why are they running? Give it up. Hillary will be your next President!

“There is tremendous cultural bias, a tremendous ideological bias that Republican candidates have to face.”…per Steve Schmidt, who worked on Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, told TPM.


At some point, the Republican candidates are going to look weaselly and weak if they continue on this parade.

That train has already sailed. That ship has already left the station.


GOPers want to run the country but they can’t organize and manage a debate slate without throwing their dirty diapers. Kudos to Kasich for being an adult in the midst of whining babies.


With ten candidates on the stage, imagine the time frame for a debate if they are given, as we’re hearing, opening and closing statements, rebuttal/follow-up time if someone mentions their name, and a time limit of two hours, as Trump demanded earlier. With one minute each for opening and closing statements, they have eaten up 40 minutes. A 30 second rebuttal and or follow-up would easily take up one minute for each question asked. They are demanding that each candidate get the same amount of time to speak. It looks to me like each candidate would get about one question each, which doesn’t leave much time for “gotcha” questions like "explain your actions in the past/your immigration plan/your tax plan/your health care plan, etc.


Steve Schmidt nailed it:
“Every question – no matter how biased, how banal, how malevolent – is an opportunity for a candidate to show an aspect of their character."
Trump or anyone if they can think on their feet should be able to deflect a question like "Are you a cartoon character and such (even if it’s true)
"Why moderator I’m shocked , absolutely shocked you would frame my campaign in such a manner and disparage my supporters with such an inane question. "


Here’s the clip for those who didn’t see it


He is awesome.


The GOP whining tittybaby ‘candidates’ arrive to make their demands to the RNC:

BTW: I saw where President Carter, in his 90’s and battling cancer, was today helping to build a home for a poor family…and these Repuke candidates can’t handle a few unscreened questions for a few minutes. Jeeeez’!


Mr Priebus: The 2012 debates were “an embarrassment” because, with the single exception of Jon Huntsman, the candidates were “an embarrassment” of epic proportions. If you want to have good debates, recruit some intelligent candidates.

One comes to the conclusion that there is no room in the “big tent” of the Republican Party for smart people with actual ideas and a respect for science and history of the sort not found on the backs of cereal boxes or in books written by the likes of Mike Huckabee. And this year’s crop exceeds 2012 for sheer unacceptability.


The Hillary questioned for 11 hours comparison was particularly apt.


So sayeth Steve Smith, Profit of the Grand Old Tea Party,

“There is tremendous cultural bias, a tremendous ideological bias that Republican candidates have to face…"

Projection, much? Let me raise that with, “Bernie Sanders is a socialist” (Gasp. Clutching at pearls. Where’s my fainting couch?) How about, “Hillary Clinton covered up her ordering Benghaaazzzzzzi!!!11!!1!! with her private e-mail server” (Oh my god, I knew it all along! It was a government conspiracy. Why, I’ll bet that clang in the White House had something to do with it all, too.)

It sure sucks when the facts are against you, doesn’t it Steve?