Discussion: How Rand Paul Figures He Can Buck Kentucky Law And Run For President And Senate Again

Nah, he’ll just do what he did with his board certification - set up his own.

He’ll set up the “State” of Kentucky and run under their rules (which he’ll write) that allows him to run for everything at once.

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No religious exemption for The Aqua Buddha?

Roll the dice and win dude, don’t puss out and fall back on your state gig.

He’s a very special kind of libertaradimwit. Laws obviously don’t apply to him.

That assumes that he really earned his “medical degree.”

Rumor has it that when his father told him he’d go blind, he said something about doing it until he needed glasses, and … SHAZAM! he had an epiphany, and figured out his (first) grift.

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Funny, I’ve never seen “Antonin Scalia” spelled that way.


Upstairs, Orrin Hatch sez progressives are dumbass liberals.

He stole that, of course. There’s not an original thought in his haid.

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So Mr. “Keep Your Hands off my States Rights” wants to try an end run around the state using statutes established by the Federal Government he tells people he wants to disband almost all of, but actually cannot WAIT to run to be the head of.

If the GOP could simply choke on their hypocrisy, Dems would have a permanent majority in the Senate for the next 50 years.


The problem of course is how many emoprogs he’s snowed into thinking he’s some kind of crusader for their causes. You might get a lot of floor crossing of them.

It isn’t that I think he’s the best candidate. It’s that I think he’s got enough of the grift and the media has precious little bluster to actually question his narcissistic bullshit, that he could actually pull off a nomination. If he did, in the general it would be frightening because of the aforementioned emoprog/dudebro brigade who assume him to be some kind of civil rights hero…

I don’t trust the media not to let him run fast and loose with the truth, like they did the entire midterms with some very sketchy characters (Joni Ernst, anyone?). Nobody seems to have the huevos to hold his feet to the fire, except Rachel Maddow, and she’s never going to get another shot at it because his minders will simply not allow it.

Underestimating the danger someone like Rand Paul poses is dangerous itself.


Any of that stuff would be the acts of a nakedly political and career formula politician. All of which Senator Paul is but it would help those duped by his outsider act to see him better for what he really is. He’s a Republican politician through and through. The rest is an act.

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Against Hillary?

That’s quite an assumption you’re making.

Send in the clones. There ought to be clones.

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Lots of Teela-O-MLY clones, in fact.

Aw gee boss (hangs head 'n kicks dirt dejectedly)

I think it is time for a Constitutional Amendment so that Rand Paul can be anointed President. I recall there was also a need for a Constitutional Amendment so that Arnold Schwarzenegger could become President. The conservative muscle head ended up nailing and inseminating the household help before conservatives could pass the Constitutional Amendment.

Hear, hear RATS of the Supreme Court! Here’s another way to show how much you love your Party, your Supreme Leader and your Faith. Step right in this weekend.

So he is going to use the big bad ole federal govt to subvert state law? Typical republican.

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Remember when Chris Matthews was sure Rudy Giuliani was the likely candidate for president in 2008?

The GOP field is going to be so crowded no one will notice Lil Rand when he drops out. Ted Cruz will see to that or Rick Perry and maybe even Mitt?

I’m not going to hold my breath to cross over and vote for him, which he will need the female vote to get anywhere. The GOP only know the obstruction, slash and burn at the Democrats game, pity us fools, the people.


Well, doesn’t that show his confidence in his chances to become President! Ah, hahahahaha! Just linking him and President made me laugh out loud.