I wish that weren’t true, as he’d be a good candidate for Hillary to run against.
I wish that weren’t true, as he’d be a good candidate for Hillary to run against.
“a way” not “away”
Please, please, please hire a copy editor.
LaWs Are iNporTAnt thINgs. We SHouLD makE sure THEY are NOt UncONstitutionAL wheN it is A laW that DOesn’t FOLLow the CONstitUtion. Also THiS LAw waS pasSEd SPECificaLLY for NOT lettING LibtaRDS CheAT. MORE LIBtard SHENANIGans AND ILLegaL uncoNSTITUTIONAL LAws!!!1!!!one!1!!!
Oh…the (*Ayn Rand pun alert!) Fountainheadache! Lil’ Randy’ wants to be President, but knows he’ll never be President so he wants his Senate seat to be kept good and warm and ready to be occupied by his dumbazz’, huh?
Guess the Kentucky House didn’t get the message they were supposed to stand down in the GOPig tsunami “wave election,” huh? rotfl
Not so much hedging his bets as 'passing ‘Go’ twice-- in collecting double the warchests.
A 2-for-1 g®ift the ®ubes charade.
C’mon. Admit it. It is pretty clever.
Especially for Rand Paul.
Perhaps he could move to New Hampshire. Stripper Scotty could give him tips on winning there? …huh? …Oh wait!
This was my thought as well. The article states that the R primary in KY is in May. Seems like he could file for the Senate and not the KY presidential primary in January. I don’t see him getting through the primaries to be the nominee, but he will know one way or the other by May. If he has the nomination wrapped up in May (or is on the clear path to do so), he can drop out of the Senate race and focus on a run for the White House.
Of course, what he really wants is for KY voters to vote for him twice - for President and Senate. As I recall, this is not totally unprecedented. I believe that Lloyd Bentsen was reelected to the Senate from Texas in 1988 - the same year that he was the Democratic nominee for VP (as I recall, this was permitted in a change of law in 1960 made for Lyndon Johnson that allowed him to run for both Senate and VP in the same election). And, of course, Joe Biden was elected in 2008 to both the Senate and as Vice President.
State law is what it is, and I suspect that it was enacted for a fundamentally different reason, but I don’t have a lot of heartburn about him trying to allow this when we did not express outrage that others on our side have done it previously.
Perhaps he could just get his wife to certify him after he and she create their own Republican House and election board. Winning…duh!
So, dastardly Rand wants to be president of a government that he professes to loathe and abhor. But just in case, he wants to make sure he doesn’t lose his seat in the senate of that same government he loathes and abhors. Honey, why are you running for, or holding on to, any government office at all, given your level of loathing and ab(w)horing?
Of all people, you’d think he would be better at reading the ‘fine print’?
The exception to the Kentucky law is for special elections, so here’s a suggestion for you, Rand: redefine what special is, so that it means that any election that you run in is ‘special.’
Isn’t that special?!
Yes, Churchlady, it is.
He likes to play by the rules. His rules. After all he is a licensed optometrist (or is it an ophthalmologist), of course the licensing board is himself. He had to invent a board to license him since he is soooo bad…
So rules are good, as long as you get to write them.
Two solutions are apparent for Rand 9 from outer space.:
(A) Check Wikipedia, Rand. You might find the answer there. And it’s the ~snort!~ ‘fountainhead’ for most of the 9th-grade level bullsh*t you’ve plagiarized and tried to pass off as your social and political wisdom.
(B) Clone that damned thing on your head. Let it run for the Senate while you, the Kentucky Aqua Bubbah’, run for POTUS!
Solved it! Next.
There should be a minimum pants size requirement to run for president. If you have to buy your clothes in the children’s section at Walmart you should be disqualified. Rand Smallpants is not qualified.
Well…Rand does have a big brother in The Terrapin who will look out for him and make sure the rules are bent just for him…
The otta be a law about curly coated critters on one’s head as well.
Don’t make fun of Senator Poodlerug.
You’ll make baby Jeebus cry.
That’s Senator Poodlerug to you buster!
Can’t PETA sue this idiot, Trump, and The Ghost Of Jim Trafficant for egregious animal abuse violations?
Edit: Now that I think about it, “The Ghost of Jim Trafficant” would be a GREAT screen name…
I know. The hair is awful, but 'tis the least of Rand Paul’s problems.
He may do better than his dear old dad, but he’ll still be a loser.
A ball of fire he is not. Dems would do well to remember how exceedingly rare those kinds of candidates are.
I want competency and experience, thank you very much.