Discussion: How O-Care Is Helping Brownback Close Kansas's Huge Budget Hole

A majority of the people who were allowed to vote in Kansas voted against Brownback. If you add up the people whose voter registrations weren’t processed because the republican secretary of state’s office thought their weren’t ctizen-y enough, and the people discouraged from voting (say, because they didn’t want to be turned away at the polls for lack of pernickety-proper photo ID) the total comfortably exceeds Brownback’s official margin.

So I’m really not sure we should be blaming the residents of the state for not being able to beat a rigged game.


This type of thinking makes the Supply Side Unicorn sad. Why do you want to make the Unicorn sad, sir?


As Forrest Gump’s momma said, “stupid is as stupid does”. Go Kansas!!!

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TPM…the term “Obamacare” is pejorative. It’s a GOP’er creation and should not be used by anyone that intends to be respectful.

Well he got re-elected because folks wanted him in office. And now they have him. His state’s budget problems are a topic of discussion all over the internet but I haven’t seen any posts about where this goes over the long run. The Tax Cuts are there and will be next year and so on. Once he’s “transferred all his money from his savings account to his checking account” then what?

“Reelected” with the $$$$ of his instate sugardaddies, The Koch Bros. His life line from the start of his political career and they are there for him always as he enacts their agenda.

Please stay on this story and remind all of his connection to and support from The Koch Bros.

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There is a long discussion in what you are talking about. TPM comments is not the place to have it but it does need to be had.

“The additional revenue from the rebates is the result of higher-than-expected pharmacy utilization among the Kansas Medicaid population…”

And those poors, the ones who needed that access to pharmacy Rx’s (a bunch of damn ‘takers’), can go pound sand.

Everytime an arrogant white Republican is reduced to begging for help from the black man in the White House, another victory of sorts has been accomplished. Someone is having to admit that he was stupid, his economic model is shit and that he accepts the terms of his humiliation to get his hands on that ObamaCare money.

So McConnell and the GOP thought they were going to make this president fail…purely because he was a black man who needed to be reminded of where his place in America is according to the Top 1% conservative white power structure in this country?. Looks like the shoe is on the other foot to me.

Republican leaders cannot and won’t admit it to their followers that they have been reduced to scrambling. Brownback’s conservative Utopia has turning into an economic nightmare just like Bush/Cheney’s did. Apparently, setting yourself up as the ruling class with unlimited campaign financing can have many unintentional and dire consequences?

When American workers don’t see any improvement in their lot during the next two years but instead are faced with a bunch of new GOP tax schemes and toll roads, additional cuts to their standard of living, the loss of retirement savings and another round of Wall Street fraud (which are the keystone of Paul Ryan’s master plan for destroying the middle class), guess who doesn’t get a TARP. this time around?

Brownback is grabbing whatever lifeline he can before the federal cupboards become bare again. The GOP may have won back the Senate but now they must now work the miracles they promised. What a shame they obviously don’t know how to fix what they broke. They can’t cover it up much longer with wedge issue rhetoric when they are the ones in charge.

Working class families won’t be seeing any pudding on their tables much less beef once the Paul Ryan plan goes into the works in Washington. Prepare to watch the Kansas economic nightmare spread like a wildfire across the country. We saw what happened in the 2008 election when Republicans got too greedy and incompetent.


But but but Koch is a social liberal. He said so himself.
I am so confused. lol NOT
Seems kansas jumped up the list bigtime in Welfare State Status


Brownback is using Obamacare to lower costs and taxes, he’s in the spotlight right now but eventually ALL of the Tbag governors will fall in line right behind him and make hypocrites out of themselves. Why the righties might ask?? Because Obamacare works, and they know it!

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This is another reason you don’t just turn funds over to the states. They will divert funds from their intended use to whatever they want in a heartbeat, and then the whining starts all over again. State and local governments are notorious for corruption.


Stop it. Criticizing grammar and spelling on a blog is not something anyone wants to see done. It’s petty and if you have not already noticed…the TPM staff don’t need an English Construction lesson. They are all very good at it. On rare occasion they may fat finger a word or have it changed by an automatic spell check but they are very good writers. They will probably, being humans, make mistakes on occasion. But no one in here wants your sharpshooting crap to follow that.

Sigh. Yes, another prime opportunity for Democrats to tout the various benefits of Obamacare. Ignored.


In a way, I am glad he got re elected. This will prove how supply side economics and tax cuts for the rich do not work. We can now have state experiments and compare the results. California which raised taxes vs Kansas.


Whenever the likes of some faux fox commentators talk about poorly informed minority voters one should reply with two words. Sam Brownback.


“Kansas is staring at a $280 million hole”

Brownback thinks this leads to a wormhole that stretches magically through the cosmos of voodoo economics all the way to a fantasy realm of fiscal balance…


Have you ever considered that seeing people whine about it isn’t something that anyone wants read either?


While I’m sure you could be more wrong, it’s difficult to imagine how you’d go about it.