Discussion: How Far Will He Go? The 5 Biggest Questions About Trump's Immigration Plan

LOL… Oh, the irony. It also applies to the Infosys case, as you would know if you had bothered to spend 30 seconds on a Google search. Now what was that you were saying about "stupid and clueless?

Oh, and nice job trying to move the goalposts again. This is what you wrote, remember?

The color and gender prejudice in the Indian scab H-1B force is well known. In addition, it is clear and statistically obvious that the women in Sili Valley and other tech hubs have gone from about 28% in 2000 to about 10% now.

It is well-established that once Indians get into a position, they freeze out non-Indians, women, and blacks.

Chinese are the same, in many ways. The Chinese prefer other chinese, Indians prefer other Indians. Once Indians get into HR in a company, no non-Indians ever get hired or promoted.

The American stupidity about this is amazing to me. The Indians and Chinese use Americans “multiculturalism” against us. They quietly hire only fellow countrymen, and when you point this out and say that it is wrong, you get accused of racism.

Along with other bigoted statements, where you were, as you’ve done over and over on this thread, basically making shit up. Anytime you’d like to actually try to support any of this bigotry, I’ll be right here. I’m certainly not holding my breath, though, given your reactions thus far. You know that you can’t support this shit, so you instead go on the attack or try to change the subject. Predictable.

Edited to add that I’ve been through the green card process with four of the people reporting to me at two different companies. Care to tell me again how I just don’t know anything at all about this?

Besides being hateful, you are clueless.
You supposedly speak from what it is that you know but go way beyond your depth with your imaginative descriptions of the construction field.

I know this because if you really knew what you’re talking about you wouldn’t spew such nonsense. Yes there are Mexicans in the construction field just like there is in the service industry and in everything. They make less than native Americans and have fragile to no job security. They are the backup during busy times and are the first out when things slow down.
I’ve been in construction for near 45 years in the western US and still speak poor Spanish and only passable Spanglish.
You’re wrong, full stop and if construction slows, I see that at as a good thing. The boom/bust cycles are bad for individuals and quality in our field. Steady is what matters most.

What number can be called to report blowhards?