Discussion: How Far Will He Go? The 5 Biggest Questions About Trump's Immigration Plan

I find it very hard to believe that Indian workers here on H-1B visas are in a position to refuse to work with women or blacks because the “hate” them.

You are just ranting nonsense.

Since you don’t know shit about it, why do you comment? Are you in STEM/IT? I know a bunch of women who have been frozen out of IT/STEM and this is one thing they cite. The color and gender prejudice in the Indian scab H-1B force is well known. In addition, it is clear and statistically obvious that the women in Sili Valley and other tech hubs have gone from about 28% in 2000 to about 10% now.

It is well-established that once Indians get into a position, they freeze out non-Indians, women, and blacks.

Chinese are the same, in many ways. The Chinese prefer other chinese, Indians prefer other Indians. Once Indians get into HR in a company, no non-Indians ever get hired or promoted.

The American stupidity about this is amazing to me. The Indians and Chinese use Americans “multiculturalism” against us. They quietly hire only fellow countrymen, and when you point this out and say that it is wrong, you get accused of racism.

The H-1B needs to be ended. If Trump can reduce or end this scabby scum program, he will have accomplished a great thing. Plus there are the other programs - J-1, L-1, B-1, O-1, F-1/OPT. These together bring in MILLIONS of scabs to steal American jobs.


Trump will certainly do one thing - very early, on possibly Day 1, he will cancel all Executive Actions. And he will end the ICE restrictions which have stopped deportations, which have been reduced by a huge amount during the Obama Administration. And, no, Obama did not increase deportations. This was a cynical and deceptive change in the definition of “deportation” by Obama.

There will soon be a lot of vacancies in certain types of jobs. Construction will no longer require Spanish to be hired.

Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report a suspected illegal.

NO, I don’t believe you because you are ranting nonsense.

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Hmm. A large paramilitary police force, answering to a guy with no respect for the law. What could possibly go wrong.

I predict that H1-B will get a different name, so that Trump can “end” it. And some of the provisions that make it akin to indentured servitude (piss off your boss, get kicked out of the country) will be made worse.

The Wall will be interesting. I expect they’ll issue some big contracts to various cronies, and then nothing will happen. And anyone daring to point out that it’s not getting built will be drummed out of the alt-right.

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The other problem with walls: more than 50% of people who are illegally in this country overstay their legally-obtained visa. A wall won’t do a damn thing in that scenario.

Dunno about your correspondent but I am, in fact, in STEM/IT and I agree that you’re full of shit. I work as a software development manager and I’ve worked for some of the largest and best-known companies in our industry.

The color and gender prejudice in the Indian scab H-1B force is well known.

Then it should be easy for you to document this.

In addition, it is clear and statistically obvious that the women in Sili Valley and other tech hubs have gone from about 28% in 2000 to about 10% now.

And if you’re going to pretend that this is because of Indian men hired on H-1B visas, we’re just going to laugh at you.

It is well-established that once Indians get into a position, they freeze out non-Indians, women, and blacks.

Q.E.D. Still waiting for some documentation.

Chinese are the same, in many ways. The Chinese prefer other chinese, Indians prefer other Indians. Once Indians get into HR in a company, no non-Indians ever get hired or promoted.

Man, you’re just digging that hole deeper and deeper, aren’t you? All you’re doing is proving that you’re just making shit up.

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You sound like HR or other such organization.

Documentation is exceedingly difficult. Those laid off and replaced by H-1B scabs will not stand up and be counted, since that may be used against them. Anonymous fora are the best place to find the truth, and here is one:


Here are two responses:

This is very serious problem. I am totally agreed what describe regarding Indian. I received call only from Indian agency. They ask to sign form for less than 40$ per hours for SR. IT. Then if you lucky, if they can’t found Indian IT(they have had priority) ,Indian manager will interview you with the team from India…so American citizen who pay Tax and stay in own country currently on unemployment, but Indian with all types of visas110% working …Is it Ridiculous. I don’t understand how we can decrees % of unemployment, why is our government not support our citizen? I know all countries support own employee first, however in our country we have opposite way. Is it our government doesn’t know about these problems? All IT job occupied by Indian from any level: from CTO, VP, managers to lower level.

I have worked in Silicon Valley in both startups and big companies and my experience is the same as what the question says: Indians will ONLY hire other Indians and, like other people mentioned, they will only hire Indians like them. This is true most of the time with Indians who arrived in Silicon Valley to work or to go to University to study. The next generation, the Indians who were born here, is more Americanized and therefore more attuned to the principles of fairness and judging somebody on their merits, not on who they are related to or who are their friends with.

There are no studies of hiring prejudice, although the problem is blatantly obvious. Hopefully Sessions will begin to do something. He’s going to do a lot of good things for American workers.

You are right. They don’t have any steenking plans for anything other than their next meeting with someone involved in a Trump development project.

What part of “I work as a software development manager” are you having trouble understanding? Do I need to use smaller words?

Documentation is exceedingly difficult.

Only when you’re making shit up, which you are. When you actually have the facts to back up your views, documentation isn’t particularly difficult to find. When all you’ve got is prejudice and bigotry, it’s amazing just how that “documentation” disappears. I’ve had people from China and India reporting to me and working with me. I’ve worked with teams of developers from Hyderabad and Chennai. I’ve had more than one peer manager from India. I repeat: you’re full of shit.

Those laid off and replaced by H-1B scabs will not stand up and be counted, since that may be used against them.

Oh, please. What have they got to lose? There certaintly have been incidents where replaced workers, legitimately, spoke up and publicized their stories. If there are a shortage of stories about untoward (not to mention illegal) bias, that’s because such stories are just that: stories.

Anonymous fora are the best place to find the truth

LOL… Yes, because nobody ever lied on an anonymous, or even pseudonymous, forum. And every post about a topic clearly is actionable data rather than, say, unverifiable anecdote…

When you have learned the difference between those two concepts, we might be able to have a serious discussion. Until then, I’m going to continue calling you out on your bigotry.

There are no studies of hiring prejudice

Actually, there have been any number of such studies over the years. What you mean is that you, personally, don’t know of any studies that have focused solely on the high tech industry involving managers from India.

although the problem is blatantly obvious.

Blatantly obviously non-existent. FIFY.

Hopefully Sessions will begin to do something. He’s going to do a lot of good things for American workers.

LOL… My goodness, but you never disappoint. Keep it up. Normally, I’d have to pay for humor this funny. Do tell us just what a few of those “lot of good things” are that Sessions will do for “American workers.” I can hardly wait for the enlightenment.

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Deport the hell out of the illegals. Do a VERY thourough vetting of the many hundreds of thousands of visa overstays who are ex-H-1bs. In particular, ensure that the “parking” of H-1Bs in the staffing firms is not tolerated. Crack down on violations of B-1, L-1, and J-1 visas. And ensure that the H-1Bs who are laid off leave in the 2 week window. Ensure that the many thousands of cases of industrial espionage performed by H-1Bs are detected and prosecuted.

Lots of things to be done. The millions of jobs lost of H-1B, L-1, J-1, B-1, F-1/OPT and O-1 visas need to be brought back.

And remember, if you know of or suspect visa overstay issues, call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE and get those suckers deported. This will start up again on Friday. Jeff Sessions is not a hispanderer.

Uh-huh. Good luck with that. Because everyone knows just where “the illegals” are and it’s absolutely no trouble getting their host country to take them back and it’s not at all expensive to conduct massive sweeps and we definitely have the personnel to conduct such expeditions, the holding facilities to hold them, and the courts to hear their cases. Yup, no problem at all. They’ll just be “deport[ed] the hell out” overnight.

Do a VERY thourough vetting of the many hundreds of thousands of visa overstays who are ex-H-1bs.

See above.

In particular, ensure that the “parking” of H-1Bs in the staffing firms is not tolerated. Crack down on violations of B-1, L-1, and J-1 visas. And ensure that the H-1Bs who are laid off leave in the 2 week window. Ensure that the many thousands of cases of industrial espionage performed by H-1Bs are detected and prosecuted.

See above.

Lots of things to be done. The millions of jobs lost of H-1B, L-1, J-1, B-1, F-1/OPT and O-1 visas need to be brought back.

Shrug Or they’ll be outsourced and sent overseas.

This will start up again on Friday.

No it won’t. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You don’t seem to be aware that some years ago, visa overstay monitoring was mandated by congress. Obama refused to do it. It’s pretty clear from your confusion about my answer that you are unaware of most of the H-1B/L-1/F-1/J-1/B-1 issues. Do you even know the total number of such visas per year? Do you know which ones get tax breaks?

You seem to believe that it is possible to state exactly what hiring is like. For this, you need 1) all jobs posted 2) all applications received 3) a full statement of why they did not get hired. That database does not exist. I am 100% sure that every position from Google, MS, Trashbook, etc gets 100s of thousands of resumes. They never say why or who is dumped.

Have you watched Cohen & Grigsby video, BTW?

Not to mention the “safe room” I’m building in a secret location in my house just in case. I’ll be happy to hide someone who is under threat of being thrown out of the country.

I’m hoping they will be passing an “accessory to immigration violations” law. That way, Grijalva and Gutierrez could both be arrested together. That would be fun. They could go in with anyone else who helps in the commission of an immigration crime.

Well you be sure and turn me in when the time comes then, darlin.

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Yesterday Obama Administration sued Oracle for violations of the EEOC. Apparently Oracle is hiring only Indian scabs, and someone finally noticed. Why this bunch of fucking turds at Oracle was not sued in 2000 is confusing me - they have had “hire only Indian H-1Bs” for a long time. And why not other companies? Qualcomm, Disney, etc etc etc. There are 1000 corporations which have “the point is to not hire the American” (bonus points if you know where I am quoting from) as their HR policy. From what you were saying, you guys might get sued as well.

LOL… Actually, there is no confusion at all, which is why you aren’t actually able to identify any such “confusion” on my part. I simply called you out on your bigotry, something you clearly don’t like, so you decided to go on the attack. It’s a pathetically transparent tactic.

You seem to believe that it is possible to state exactly what hiring is like.

And if I had said something like this, you might have a point. Since I didn’t, I’ll simply ignore this as the strawman argument that it is. Are you prepared to actually have a serious discussion or do you want to keep playing silly games? That’s a rhetorical question, of course; we already know the answer.

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You know, making shit up just really isn’t helping your case. And if all you do when called on it is to simply make up more shit, that’s even less helpful.

(bonus points if you know where I am quoting from) as their HR policy.

I was wondering when you’d get around to citing the Infosys case.

From what you were saying, you guys might get sued as well.

Uh-huh. Good luck with that.

As I thought, stupid and clueless. No, that is from Cohen and Grigsby. Have you listened to the Cohen and Grigsby tape? Since you haven’t and are clueless about this issue, here is the link: