Beyond noting that some of the biggest buttheads voted “present,” I’d love to hear theories on this because I got nuttin’. If it’s some kind of GOP skullduggery I don’t see how it’s supposed to work.
The Democratic-backed resolution, which passed 420-0…
It’s great to see some actual bipartisanship taking hold…
Dems retake the House, start crafting actual legislation and resolutions, and immediately start seeing regular bipartisan vote results? Here’s hoping this becomes a national trend.
When John McCain died he took Lindsey’s spine with him.
It’s unclear exactly what documentation will be produced at the end of the probe into possible coordination between Trump associates and Russia, and how much of that the Justice Department will allow people to see. Mueller is required to submit a report to Barr, and then Barr can decide how much of that is released publicly.
Here’s my mockup of the Barr release:
…Robert Mueller…
I got nuttin’ either. But a theory: they are so confident Barr will release a sanitized document they’re doing this to prove their ability to “stand up” to the big guy. Except for the handful of toadies who won’t even dare to a pretend spine.