Discussion: House To Take Up Harvey Relief Bill On Wednesday

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Gee, I wonder how many Texas Republicans will vote against Harvey aid unless there are offsets, like Pence demanded for Sandy aid, to pay for it?


So I’m guessing this will include an Obamacare repeal attempt?


It will take two days to sober them up?

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[quote=“twowolves, post:4, topic:61672, full:true”]
It will take two days to sober them up?[/quote]

No, it will take two days to agree on what other spending to cut as an offset.


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These are good Christian Texans, so it cannot be pork. … Wait a second … Or was it Muslims and Jews who don’t eat pork? … I’m confused.

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What should be easy pickings will be a train wreck. Only way Republicans ever do anything because they’re enslaved by their ideology rather than focusing on helping people as it should be.

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Tie it to the debt limit. Fuck these crazy-ass “Freedumb” Caucus assholes.

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Other than being hypocritical frauds and sanctimonious aholes, I am glad they are doing this in ‘parts’ and getting some relief to Texas right away.

A few predictions:

It will pass.

They won’t require spending cuts to offset it.

Trump will act like this bare minimum of legislative accomplishment – passing a bill pretty much everyone wants to pass – is a great triumph, and proves he’s a great leader.


“Shock” from Miz Lindz. “Concern” from Susan Collins. “Thoughts and Prayers” from the talibangelical caucus. Actual bill, we’ll see.

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Maybe NOW is the time to do what they’ve wanted to do for so long – secede – think about how much money the ‘gubmint’ could save.

How many billionaires in Houston? How many in Texas? How many have foundations? How much are they willing to cough up for the …well, ya know…those people in Houston. Michael Dell has pledged $36M …what has T. Boone Pickens pledged. How about Alice Walton, Rex Tillerson, Scott Duncan, Robert Rowling, Henry Perot, Robert, Ed and Sid Bass, Harold Simmons. Dan and Scott Duncan, Mark Cuban …et al? It would be interesting to watch these kinds of Texans stepping up to the financial plate.

McCarthy will want protection from increased dairy and garlic prices in Bakersfield or he’ll pull a Lucy Brown…

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If they don’t tie it to the debt limit, the checks will bounce. (Well, properly speaking, the checks will bounce about a week earlier, since the deficit is on the order of a billion a day. Or maybe not, because it might take a while to cut those checks. But nevertheless, to a first approximation they are planning to appropriate money they have no apparent intention of paying out.)