I want to talk about our ideas, our solutions
That should be a really short speech.
He did say it was only going to be 10 minutes…
10 minutes too much, if you ask me.
ideas: Trump
solutions: Trump
Their only solution for everything is tax cuts for the rich, so anything over 10 seconds is just filler.
Oooh…Will there be live orchestral accompaniment and abs B-roll on the giant screen???
Ten minutes can go by fast.
You have to adjust the mike
You have to hear the applause
You have to look around
You have to thank the Convention audience and all the honoured guests BY NAME
You have to have a short greeting, thanking the City of Cleveland
You have to say “adios”
I don’t see very much else that he can fit in, in 10 min.
A pit bull with pancake.
Someone needs to tell Ryan that puke green isn’t his color. It is too suggestive when he speaks.
How does he not speak? He’s the speaker of the House and his caucus is fully of crazies who love Trump. Seems to me he either steps up or steps aside. I’d step aside, but then someone who makes him look progressive would be in charge.
What he does with this opportunity is another matter.
Trump: “I will see if we can squeeze him in somewhere in the schedule, somewhere after midnight”
Maybe he’s doing a promotion for his starring role as Wallace in the next Wallace & Gromit movie.
Ryan will give an enthusiastic, full throated, unambigious exhortation to all the party faithful to go to the polls and vote for Trump. He’ll encourage everyone to go back to their states and bust their tails to elect Trump. He has no other option once at the podium. This entire exercise is designed with one goal, electing a Republican as President. Once the convention is over we’re going to see nearly all NeverTrump and fence straddlers and those previously refusing to endorse get on board the Trump train. They have to.
Only 10 minutes. Too long.
So do the Trump people get to control whether the mic is on?
He’ll be wearing that green tie, no doubt. To pick up the color around his gills.
Will he reprise Clint Eastwood’s empty chair shtick? It would represent the number of Americans who care that he’s speaking.
“No new taxes. Lower all existing taxes. Guns for all white people. Women in the kitchen. Gays in the closet. Blacks mopping the floors and sweeping the streets. Browns back across the border. Ten Commandments in every courtroom. Ken Paxton on the SCOTUS.”
Let’s see – did I miss anything?
Ryan’s speech: Nom nom nom… Come on people. Try it - you’ll like it. This is the yummiest shit sandwich ever.
Uh huh…why is it so hard to BELIEVE you, you little weasel?