Discussion: House Sets Votes On Two Bills In Response To Planned Parenthood Videos

Discussion for article #240400

The revamping of the Salem Witch Trials for 2015. With even less proof.

The hysterical right, not funny but downright tragic. They directly threaten peopleā€™s lives with this bullshit.


On that ā€œborn aliveā€ one, they better not use medically donated organs to help 'em survive.


These folks spend all kinds of time and money fighting for the unborn. But once theyā€™re born theyā€™ll just walk away and leave them for dead.

This is all about punishing the people that want the abortions and has nothing to do with protecting anyone.


The move to vote on the two House bills appears to be an attempt by leadership to offer an alternative route for conservative lawmakers to express their anger over the videos, rather than flirt with a possible shutdown of the government over Planned Parenthoodā€™s federal funding.

They think that a symbolic vote will appease the base?


And in spite of the fact that abortion is becoming increasingly rare. The GOP as always: propensities in desperate search of pretexts.

A survey released earlier this week by the Associated Press shows that the number of abortions performed each year declined by about 12 percent nationwide between 2010 and 2014, continuing a steady downward trajectory since the early 1990sā€¦Abortion rates did fall in many of the states with new restrictions, but they also dropped in others, such as New York and Connecticut, where access to abortion is relatively unobstructed. In fact, some of the states with the biggest declines ā€” Hawaii, Nevada and New Mexico ā€” have enacted no new abortion laws in recent years, suggesting that something other than reduced access is spurring the trend.


Christ, theyā€™re not even any longer going to the trouble of tying fake noses made from carrots on their ā€˜witchesā€™.

This is Congress putting up a big public notice:

ā€œ***Phony Baloney Committee Investigation Into Patently Fake Bullshit - Hearing Room 200, 2:00 p.m., currently scheduled for 150 minutes, with breaks for restrooms, coffee and TV adjustments.***ā€


GOP: ā€œ[C]riminal penalties to people ā€¦ who fail to provide medical care to a baby who survivesā€¦.ā€

Republicans ā€œfail to provide medical careā€ to babies who survive every single day.

And nutrition.

And education.

And any chance of surviving Voodoo economics.

Unless a baby bundles dark money for the GOP, offshores jobs, or qualifies for trickle-down tax cuts, Republicans donā€™t provide anything to them.


Well, boring.

ā€œan alternative route for conservative lawmakers to express their anger over the videosā€

Oh please. These people arenā€™t angry over the videos. I donā€™t have any evidence, but I have no doubt in my mind that there were some state and possibly federal legislators who were in on this from the get-go and itā€™s all about political leverage and point-scoring by manipulating the one-issue voters in the Teatroll base, nothing more.


Indeed. And guess who is in the picture that pops into your average Teatrollā€™s ā€œmindā€ when they are asked ā€œand who do you think it is getting all these abortions?ā€


:birthday: Protect the Born


Donā€™t these assholes have something more important to do like pass a fucking budget, and for once doing it on time? Iā€™m so sick of this manufactured culture war bullshit by these anti-women jerks in Congress. In case they havenā€™t heardā€¦



Budget resolutions are merely estimates, and these resolutions do not have the force of law.

Itā€™s the various appropriations bills that are importantā€”and independent of the budget resolutionā€”that the GOP never passes on time.


And to that, the Repuglican response isā€¦ACORN, ACORN, ACORN! Oh, andā€¦ Na-Na-Na Boo-Boo, followed by blowing raspberries from their mouths.

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They donā€™t fight for the unborn: they are perfectly willing to starve them in the womb producing damaged children at birth and also to deny fetuses medical care in the womb but if a fetus is inadvertently not killed during an abortion then the fetus can be used as a science project.


ā€œAmericans are rightfully outraged by what was depicted in these videos and Congress and the American people have a right to know exactly what is happening,ā€ McCarthy said.

Iā€™m not sure ā€œrightfully outragedā€ is the correct phrase to use in describing public response to videos that depict legal behavior.

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Sadly, no. With irony thatā€™s entirely lost on them, the ā€œPro-Lifeā€ Right will likely settle for nothing short of dead bodies.

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Yes, donā€™t we all just love how these folks who spout about "responsibilityā€™ donā€™t take that to heart about responsibly doing the jobs that we the taxpayers hired them to do but jump up and down pushing and shoving each other out of the way in their hurry to respond to bogus videosā€¦

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Not outraged at all and when given the opportunity to view the videos did not do so, I donā€™t bother looking at trash, especially doctored trash.

Hear! Hear!

I wish there were a G-d, because these assholes belong in hell.