Discussion: House Republicans Offering Proposals For Obamacare Alternative

More wasted time on something the Senate won’t take up. Gotta get those sound bites for the upcoming election, they’ll fast track it.

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Sorry GOP, America has had 6 years to see that the ACA actually HELPS people and significantly lowers health care costs in America (by a couple of trillion dollars, last I heard). Maybe Donald Ryan could get Sarah Palin to travel the country promoting the ‘replacement’.


But the 37-page white paper falls far short of a full-scale replacement proposal for “Obamacare” and leaves key questions unanswered, including the size of the tax credits, the overall price tag of the plan, and how many people would be covered.

That’s 'cause real planning and detail is for wonkist dems like crooked Hillary™ We Republicans have the God given right to be held to a lower standard (or none at all) because we have “sincerely held beliefs™”, “magic asterixes™”, and a lazy, enabling press corps.


Republican alternatives to the ACA have always boiled down to the same thing: “Pray you don’t get sick.”


more magical thinking from Paulie Boi…

one thing that stood out is the tremendous savings accrued by offering free veterinary care for all pet unicorns… projections are that it would be little use and the savings would flow back into the treasury…

 "This report is the beginning of the conversation,
     not the end."

Ok then … I don’t like it —

End of conversation —


Obamacare IS the Republicans alternative. From the Heritage foundation to Romneycare, the ACA is primarily a Republican approach to health care.

That is why they can never come up with a full replacement, their full replacement has been implemented.

At least it was until Obama got his brown hands on it and made it impossible for Republicans to support.


Alternate title:
The Republican Healthcare Plan - Death Panels on a Dime

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Ugh, we’ve been down this road SO MANY times. It’s same old sh*t that they recycle again and again and again.

All because the Black man in the White House stole their best ideas.


“It’s like deja vu all over again.”
— Yogi Berra

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“The proposal represents one of the most comprehensive efforts to date.”

When did the mindless clerical task of compiling all the time worn Republican proposals into a single aspirational document rise to the level of a comprehensive effort? Proclaiming Paul Ryan to be the intellectual policy wonk of the GOP is the true measure of just how low that party has sunk.

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I have another “key question” that appears to go unanswered: Why the hell would a rational being consider this an improvement?

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Here come the leeches and ill humor brigade. Super genius Michele Fiore has already cured cancer!


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“But the 37-page white paper falls far short of a full-scale replacement proposal for “Obamacare” and leaves key questions unanswered, including the size of the tax credits, the overall price tag of the plan, and how many people would be covered. Republican aides said it’s intended as an overall roadmap showing how the GOP would approach undoing and replacing Obama’s health law with a Republican in the White House, and specific legislative details would be answered as the actual bills are written next year.”

Sure, they’ll answer those questions next year. This is not election year bullshit at all, nosiree.