Discussion: House Passes Measure To Expedite Trump Oversight Legal Fights

For John McCain.

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I’ll say it again: when your argument has devolved to “yeah well, they’ll just ignore all precedent and/or break the law or whatever” then yeah, we all already know that’s a possibility, but it’s not really an analysis.

It doesn’t really further their dreams of permanent white Christian hegemony to buck that precedent. They think they can achieve is elsewise.


Concern troll is concerned? Tell me all about it, dear…


Heh. Comment history is public, exposing your empty, risible attacks as bullshit. Gonna be mighty hard to make that one stick, for anyone who looks at the record. (But hey, the record doesn’t matter anymore, amirite? Following in Sarah Slanders’s footsteps, all you gotta do is claim what the record is to get people to believe you.)

You mistake amusement for “concern”. Because of course.

Have you come in from recess yet? Washed the sand out of your hair?


Know who’s not concerned, Concern Troll? Me.

Still not gonna fly, Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahm. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Bullies gonna bull.

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It’s got about as much worth these days as digging through old rulings to rely on those to say that they’ll uphold something.

About the only parlor game left with the Supremes is just how much the Right will contort themselves to claim with a straight face that their 5-4 vote is absolutely based on an impartial call on the law.

And RBG’s already signaled that we’re about to get the question on the census, gerrymandering, and the rest shoved down our throats on that 5-4 margin.



They should start locking them up to.

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So we eventually go violent. If that’s where it heads, that’s where it heads.

It’s all well and good to try to have a discussion or debate, but when “they’ll just break all the rules” becomes the go-to I-win-button passing as “analysis” then why bother talking about it. Let’s just all sit back and wait for the revolution.

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With you on that one.

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O/T but would you imagine those 2 headlines, 3 years ago? If so, did you think it might be real? When is the season finale?


Got a deadline or are y’all just going to wait indefinitely?


Presume it’ll launch November 4th, 2020, the morning after an absolute route at the ballot-box where Trump picked up about 20 electoral votes, and he announces that the election is invalid due to millions of illegal immigrants voting and he will remain in power while a new election is organized.

When it comes time to put some people up against the wall, I’m sure there will be an announcement of some sort, right? CONELRAD? How will I know that I need to get to the bunker and load up my gear?

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It can’t come soon enough. I’m just afraid that we’ll be seeing it in syndication for decades.

Sorry, but my cat said “no”.

Nope,I think it’s just that a reasonable, thoughtful process has gotten to the point that even the “slow walk” crowd has to admit that significant, meaningful progress is being made.


What happens next is that at least a few more of those “we need change” voters from 2016 realize this is not the change they hoped for and will significantly reconsider their 2020 votes.


Except, he doesn’t look dumpy enough (double entendre intended).

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