Discussion: House Passes GOP Tax Overhaul Bill As Senate Version Faces New Problems

As of right now, I’m a bit nervous that this bill will pass the Senate. I was at 40% yesterday, now I’m back up to 46%. I do see ‘no’s’ out there in Corker, McCain, Collins, Murkowski. RJ gonna RJ and I wonder who he’s covering for.

The essential fear I have is the lure of tax cuts. It’s their holy grail. Also, a lot of the House GOP are so unpopular and doomed to defeat already (e.g., CA) that they don’t give a fuck. That’s a problem for us.

What we need to do is step up the intensity and get people yelling at GOPers in front of their offices to make this a more visceral situation. I don’t think our intensity level is up high enough yet. It can get there, but we really need to step it up. I don’t think there was enough coverage of the House vote and Ryan got his bill through. Senate Dems have done a good job but we really need to get this front and center in the media.

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Well, I’m betting we can count on the ignorance of the general public who will support anything the rabid GOP vandals tell them is a “tax cut”. I work in a tax prep office and the lack of understanding about taxes is staggering.

Sure - just write your social security number on a post card and someone will file it for you. Hint: The refund won’t be coming to your address.