Let me help you with the panel’s conclusion (just to save time):
But, go right ahead with gathering and reporting the details.
I expect the Venn Diagram will show some overlap between “graft and corruption” and “rank stupidity.”
we want to make sure that policies are being made based on what’s good for the United States and not what might be good for the president personally,
In Trumplandia there is no distinction between the United States and the president [sic] personally. If the investigation finds some policy that benefits the unwashed masses to the detriment of the current occupant he will shut down the government until the error is corrected.
Ah, let me count the ways…
Put a light of coals in the Weber grill, light them, let them heat up to high temperature, put fat on fire.
Checking all of the boxes for both “criminally stupid” and “stupid criminal”.
While your at it, maybe bring Lord Voldemort Dick Cheney in and ask him the same set of questions. There shouldn’t be a statute of limitations on treason.
All of which will be contained within a large circle entitled Greedy Bastards.