Discussion: House OKs Another Bill To Reopen Gov't That's Likely Doomed In The Senate

Or this:

When you bring proof that Mc Connell will bring this to the floor of the Senate, we will agree to a revote. No? Then the vote stands.


Once again no spineless Mitch to make the all great and powerful decisions that make the drumpf clown car so important.


GOP’s typical delaying tactics notwithstanding, this is gonna get passed in the House and denied a vote in the Senate by the turtle in a half-shell, twitchy Mitch.

Where ya hiding, Mitch???

It is done electronically and can be done in just a few minutes. Takes maybe an hour when each rep is called to stand and actually voice their vote.

Maybe, but first they’ll have to survive being primaried from the right. Not sure it’s gonna help with that!


I dunno. Someone out there is voting for Rand Paul over and over again. I bet they’d vote for someone who is opposed to reopening government.

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Thanks. I did some checking after I seen your reply. That’s the rumor behind the move they say. Myself, I doubt the hell out of it because it is the week for unwinding options. Often they will raise or lower stock prices to match the bet they made with a boatload of options the prior month. Tomorrow and next week will be interesting.

Never gets dull.

No sense of urgency. Let’s extend the Trump Shutdown another week. As a federal employee, I would rather be at my job. It’s a mind-boggling waste of money to disrupt government and then pay everyone at the end, those who worked without a paycheck and those locked out.

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The market is rigged. How could a market be not when the FED bows to the whims of a president instead of following what it knows is correct. This is gonna crash like it did in 1987 or maybe even worse.

The more I think about this, the more it bothers me. Can anyone imagine the GOP acquiescing in this fashion?

Of course not. Instead of withdrawing the bill and rescheduling. Republicans would have mocked Dems for being asleep on the floor or some such nonsense, and plowed through with whatever they wanted. Giving in to the GOP is always a tactical mistake unless we’re getting something for it.