Discussion: House Majority Whip: Trump Will Face Impeachment Proceedings Eventually


oh well,

yesterday, Pelosi finally started delivering the right message…

now Clyburn comes along, and practically hands Trump his road map…“If the public ever feels that we’re being political with this, we will have done tremendous harm to the country, to the constitution, and to the people we are sworn to serve.”

With the Dem leadership, it always seems like one step forward, two steps back…


76% of Dems support impeachment.


Jim was briefed before this show…

And it WASN’T from his fellow South Carolinian, Lindsey “Guilty” Graham


just in case there are those who haven’t stopped along this trail to smell …

a rose … by any other name … —


Sure wish Democratic leadership was a bit more coherent in message. Yeah, unlike tribes, coalitions need more organizational work – herding cats and all that – but the herders need to agree on where they’re going and say it in a manner that leaves no doubt.


It’s where we’re headed. It’s probably where we’ve been headed all along. The question is no longer an “if,” it’s "when."As I’ve said, I think we’ll know a lot more this week once they’re back in DC and they get to talk to the caucus as a whole.

You don’t think PP knows this and has known it all along? What do you think the repetition of “no collusion, no obstruction” has been all about? Why do you think they were preparing a response report to the Mueller Report? Why do you think they’re attacking the investigators? Because they’ve known from jump, everyone has, that Democrats lose if impeachment is viewed as purely political. I don’t think there’s been a talking head in the country who hasn’t said the same damn thing.


Then go vote for the Rethugs if you think Dems are so incompetent.

The fact remains, there are some Dem House members (let alone Dem Senators) who aren’t on board the impeachment train and might not ever be. Who are they? Those would be the Dems who ran and won in 2018 on a platform that consisted partially of opposing Madame Speaker. Because, West Coast Liberal. These are districts we can’t afford to lose. If Dems can get a true majority, then things will start to proceed apace.

I’m not saying it will never happen. I’m saying that the appetite for it has to reflect the majority of areas that voted for Dem in '18 and isn’t necessarily seen as some kind of vendetta against the regime.


‘eventually’… around 2024, maybe perhaps when dotard refuses to leave the white house.
this is what passes for ‘leadership’ these days. the country is doomed.
these fucking people are useless.

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I thought Jim did OK.

Laurence Tribe (and he does not look to me as someone who just pops off at the mouth) has said (back when the public polling on Impeachment was MUCH WORSE) that it is the REVELATION of Trump’s criminality which will doom Trump.

Again, polling someone on something abstract and NOT YET EXPERIENCED is not the same thing as the actual event.


What Dem leaders are telling you is the truth of where they’re at. It may not seem like a firm message but it’s truly where things stand.


yes. I’ve been saying this all along in fact.
But Clyburn shouldn’t be talking about politics. He should be talking about the case itself—like Pelosi did yesterday.

Instead, he’s talking about what a great idea "slow walking’ is, and how successful the current strategy is.
And the current strategy is the one that is encouraging Americans to see this whole process as political.

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One other thing…

It is not the fault of Americans than not one American knows a fellow citizen who has had the experience of

  • living through an invasion of the United States

  • living through an American dictatorship

If that were not the case, Trump would have been arrested, charged, tried, found guilty, sentenced and incarcerated within the time-span of one month…starting THE FIRST TIME he tried to fire Mueller.


so people won’t misinterpret this as being a political move on our part

Impeachment starts with an indictment in the House, a political body, and proceeds to a trial in the Senate, a political body, so it is by design a political process. Clyburn is drawing the critical distinction between process and perception, a distinction that cannot be made until the House effectively educates the public, makes sure the public understands the criminal, unconstitutional, undemocratic actions of Trump and his enablers.


The sooner the better. First, the 2020 election should not be about impeachment. Second:

In the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 75 percent of Republican registered voters say they have high interest in the 2020 presidential election — registering a “9” or “10” on a 10-point scale — versus 73 percent of Democratic voters who say the same thing.

That’s quite a change from the 2018 cycle, when Democrats held a double-digit lead on this question until the last two months before the election, when the GOP closed the gap but still trailed the Dems in enthusiasm.

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At least the Dems aren’t cultish, goose steppers like the Repub deplorables who pillory their own members who dare to stray from the grotesque orthodoxy!


these are districts that Democrats won because of backlash against Trump – not because of Democrats who ran against Pelosi. I mean, these Trump country DINOs talk out of both sides of their mouths — they don’t like Pelosi, but want Pelosi to lead the charge on the (West Coast Liberat) Democratic agenda, and ignore Trump’s crimes?

Dems already have a true majority in the House. And that majority exists because of the reaction against Trump –

the Democratic agenda didn’t change in 2016.
Democrats didn’t suddenly become more effective at communicating that agenda in 2016.
Nothing changed with the Democrats in 2016 that made voters suddenly think that the nation would be better off with a Democratic house.

It was all Trump.


What I’m most interested in is public-facing investigations. That’s all. Because once those begin and the American people see what was done to them, there’s no question Impeachment will follow. And anyone who’s read even a small part of the Mueller Report knows that. So I think the focus should be getting documents and witnesses as expeditiously as possible.


The bounty of resources, freedoms and relative political stability (up to now) are probably why Putin felt that the U.S. would be such an easy mark.

The majority of what Trump is now getting away with is due to a collective stunned disbelief that “This really IS Happening HERE”…That collective, stunned disbelief comes from those people we will need to stop Trump.


yeah, you could see him struggling with his talking points.

in fact, I suspect that his “we don’t want Americans thinking this is political” comment was part of his instructions, not his “talking points”, and he just got confused.