Discussion: House Judiciary Votes To Allow Extra Time For Staff Lawyers To Question Barr Thursday

But will Toadglans’ personal lawyer and titular head of the DOJ even show up?


“Our position is the attorney general agreed to appear before Congress,” a Justice Department official told The Washington Post and CNN on Sunday. “Therefore, members are the ones who do the questioning.”

Since when do DOJ officials get to dictate the processes to be employed by Congressional oversight committees?


Rick “ETTD” Wilson Explains The World (cont.)


Oops. I hadn’t notice they put it behind paywall.


he he …


Didn’t Senate GOPers use someone outside the committee in Kavanaugh hearings?


Trump henchman Barr is not only a shameless liar and repugnant arrogant asshole, but he’s a coward. He will blow off tomorrow’s House hearing.


Yes, but GOPers can do anything they want.


Well, Barr won’t show up tomorrow, which is going to be a very bad look for him…whatever they try to claim, the fact is that you don’t get to dictate how your are questioned in an investigation. Hillary Clinton went to Congress and answered their questions in whatever format they wanted. Barr is a professional lawyer, the fact that he fears being questioned by an attorney after all his lying today is only going to destroy him even more. And deservedly so.

Days like today make me wonder if Republicans are just going to ride this thing into the ground…if things are this bad now, imagine how insane it’s going to be in 18 months. Are they really willing to throw in with that, and act like it’s normal? I actually hope so, if they continue along this path it really should be obvious that either the party just needs to be thrown out of office everywhere, or that the system is so broken that we need to redo it. The second is going to be a huge mess, but it may become necessary if we really have a party willing to ignore the law and government functions for their own nefarious ends.


He said enough nefarious things to last a year. He doesn’t have anything more to say which would help this Republic, unless it’s to say, “I resign”.

In any event, what Barr has said is earth-shatteringly treasonous…and deserves public scrutiny. House Dems don’t have to paraphrase the lies Barr has told today…they can just roll today’s video.


Being too kind


“…a shameless liar and repugnant arrogant asshole…”

Congrats to U, sir; you have concisely enumerated the personal traits for 99% of every elected repugnican and their sanctimonious supporters in this nation.


Imho, repugnicans will, indeed, “ride this into the ground” until the next opportunity to deflect from it arises, OR until US populace AND MSM reveal them to be the anti-democracy slimeballs that they are.

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Barr is too chickenshit to even be the Brett Kavanaugh of Edwin Meeses of John Mitchells.


Thanks - now i need a shower.


Or one of those L.L. Bean Nor’easter Slickers. I have always wanted to wear one of those in a really heavy NYC rainstorm.

My question is when did the AG get the authority to waive executive privilege? Barr has totally forgotten who he is and what he does.


To the Republicans in the House and on the committee . Suck it sparky.


For 11 hours.


makes one wonder how many times the USAG will plead the fifth.

the republican stress test of the government has exposed the utter undemocratic nature of the Senate, it needs to go the way of the House of Lords if it needs to exist at all

Living in a large population state, I want to sue for unequal treatment under the law, as residents of small population states have a far greater level of representation than those of larger states (CA to WY ratio of 68.4 to 1 for example), allowing for tyranny of the minority

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