Discussion: House Judiciary To Hold Hearing On 'Lessons' From Mueller Report Next Week

I think I have the Lawrence O’Donnell version of this on DVR… I’ll just put it on a loop, and that way I can avoid all the stupid GOP congresscritter sniping, and Dem congresscritter grandstanding…

hey @georgeh
they’re not slow walking next week!
they’re spinning their wheels!


This may help educate voters but I won’t hold my breath.


Lesson 1. Obstruction is an impeachable / indictable offense.
Lesson 2. The GOP Senate slept through Lesson One.


Here comes the cavalry!


Unless this Judiciary Committee hearing is a precursor to initiating an impeachment inquiry, it is a waste of time.


We’ll need a Mine Safety Engineer to truly plumb the depths of this cave…


This sounds great. Plenty of stuff will be able to make it to video clips, I assume.

Here is a question TPMers…would it not be advisable for Schiff and Intel Committee to do their own “oranges” investigation and assemble their own report on how this all started, so that Chump and Ghoulsie and Barr screaming about treasonous witch-hunts aren’t the only things said about this in the public sphere?


good for Nadler. This is what is needed. The public, fed a dose of “bothsiderism” by the NYT, etc, need to know what is in the Muller report, which sadly most people have no idea about. Well informed people I know are suprised to learn what Mueller actually found/said when its put into the legal context.

This is how your get to impeachment, not going on TV and saying Trump is a criminal…

And just to add WHY its important to hold hearings, currently the public does not support impeachment - the case has not been made. here are the CNN figures:

Contrast this with Trump’s approval rating:

There is just no way to “impeach” when fewer people support it that support Trump… You gotta make the case first, put the horse before the cart, not go off all half cocked like the Pubs did in 1998


I’m only here today for the hot takes.


well that’s a singularly uninteresting and uninspiring name for a hearing. Hopefully someone will cover it nonetheless. At this point I almost have to assume the Dem leadership wants to bury the findings without admitting to doing so.


As in chess, see the whole board. It’s not about just the next move; it’s about the next twenty.


It’s the opening act for a show they’ll be putting on all summer titled “why we should impeach.” If the show goes well, much of the country will see the need to remove Trump. Basically, you need about 55% of the country favoring impeachment before red state Republicans start to sweat.

If the show doesn’t convince enough people, then impeachment was never going to go anywhere anyway.

In short, cross your fingers and hope for a good show that people will actually watch.


yeah. I can’t wait for the wall-to-wall coverage of a table full of people who had nothing to do with the investigation opining on its meaning. It should be on all the networks — even the Home Shopping Network will stop shilling Diamonique jewelry for this spectacle.

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this isn’t chess.

its checkers.

and the Dems don’t even know the rules.

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For the skeptics, don’t worry, Dotard will give this plenty of publicity in his inimitable manner.


So I guess the Dems are going to finally get around to impeach Nixon.


Sure do think Schiff and the Intel Committee should have show and tell. How about if they include how the Intelligence Community isn’t sharing information with them and what the Mueller report didn’t cover.


Nancy had to start somewhere. Public opinion caused this shift. Seeing polls where 76% of Dems are beyond hearings and want to “IMPEACH NOW” caused this. Hearing chants of “IMPEACH” during the middle of her speech to the CA Dem Convention caused this. Having major presidential candidates call for hearings caused this. It’s a small but possibly important step.


I got all excited for a moment. I thought you said “hot cakes”.

And I absolutely LOVE pancakes anytime of the day!