Discussion: House Judiciary Schedules Wednesday Vote On Bill Barr Contempt Resolution

Contempt of Constitution?


I have plenty of of anger to go around. There is a very large portion of my anger set aside for lying, cocky obstructors of justice that head the Department of Justice. Nothing misplaced here. I still have enough left over to adequately engulf Little Donnie Short Fingers as well.


Why vote not today? Barr defied the subpoena last week. More slow-walking.


So, we’re having a meeting about taking a committee vote about taking a full House vote about maybe pressing our case with a contempt citation, or not, or a subpoena, or maybe seeking authorization to table and beg some more, and then maybe another preliminary vote, then coffee, subject to the phase of the moon and the final score of the Warriors-Rockets game.

We got it, Jerry.


Off topic but on topic. When are we going to hear from SDNY? It seems Mueller shipped a great deal of tRump shit up to them.


Hopefully Barr is not blocking it…


I do wish that Collins and others could be publicly censured for flat out lying time and again.


I dont think I will hold my breath.

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We all feel the impatience…

I’m sure this is a threat in order to get Barr to appear prior to going down the contempt road.

It likely also buys time to get a firm date for Mueller testimony.


Jeez - you sound like the fate of the Republic is at stake here.

the hamstrosity then engages in one nanosecond of contemplation…and then promptly craps his britches

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Gonna go way out on a limb here and predict that the resolution will pass.


If Nadler’s house was on fire he’d round up all the kids and take a vote on whether to call 911. And Venn Diagram which exit allowed escaping the home AND hewing to Robert’s Rules of Order.


This is for not providing an un-redacted Mueller report, not for Barr failing to show up to testify.

The Mueller report was submitted March 23. A subpoena should have been issued on March 24th, but Nadler has been slow-walking obtaining the report ever since.

This is just another example.

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The pace of government is slow.

I agree we should accelerate the pace.


The Mueller investigation did not find evidence establishing a Trump criminal conspiracy with Russia,

What is the status of the rest of the counterintelligence investigation? The statement that Mueller did not find evidence may be because evidence was destroyed or because there is a separate investigation.


The point of going through each of these steps is to set themselves up for a showdown in the courts.Yes, it would feel all warm and fuzzy if they went straight for the jugular and impeachment, but feeling good in the moment is about all it would do. Nadler is seeking results and understands that in order to survive a challenge in the courts he’s got to have dotted all his i’s and crossed all the t’s.


Trump played everyone very well. The Mueller investigation was chiefly about exploring the ways Russia interferred in our election. Trump got everyone thinking it was almost solely about investigating him. This is despite the indictment and convictions of many other people for crimes. Now that Mueller has declined to seek charges against Trump (because he can’t) we’re supposed to move on. And what about the Russian interference? Why, what are you talking about? Is that a thing? Really? Well, someone should investigate that!!


Why - it’s almost as if they reset the shot clock.

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This will surely pass in the Judiciary Committee. Any Dem member in the House who votes against this contempt resolution on the House floor should be kicked in the teeth. And I don’t mean figuratively or politically, either.
But if something like that did occur, I would put my money on Seth Moulton missing a few molars.