It’s on.
No, not yet!
Nadler said at the hearing that after authorization, he would not immediately send the subpoenas themselves, adding that he would give Barr “time to change his mind” about redacting the report before sending it to Congress.
Justice Roberts has a date with destiny coming soon.
I’M SO MAD AT THESE WEAK-ASS DEMOCRATS WHO NEVER FIGHT FOR—wait, what? They voted to issue the subpoenas?
Well, good then. Carry on.
They sure did.
And then this happened:
Nadler said at the hearing that after authorization, he would not immediately send the subpoenas themselves, adding that he would give Barr “time to change his mind” about redacting the report before sending it to Congress.
Eleventy-dimensional checkers!
Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) issued a broadside against Nadler and the process to access the report, saying it “commands the attorney general to do the unthinkable — break the law.”
Um… which law Mr Collins? Could you please cite the specific law you’re referring to?
Your last two words say it all. It is a process which has taken another step…and I would like to add that the protests planned for tomorrow assume added importance.
Glad to see the efforts by the House Judiciary Committee; however, it should have been more bipartisan. I do not understand the R’s reluctance to give the report broad viewership. If, as they claim, it completely exonerates the President and his administration it would seem they would want as many as possible to read the report.
Nadler was on Ari’s show last night and said the individual subpoenas are going out ASAP but the report subpoena is more like a bargaining chip for right now.
Speak softly, carry a big stick?
Well, giving Barr an undefined amount of time to “change his mind” seems … what’s the word?
No, it’s on. What Nadler is trying to do is keep this out of the courts.
If he (or the public) can intimidate Barr into cooperation and not just saying “F you - see you in court,” it will make the process go much faster. Remember, the federal circuit is packed with Republican activist judges. And, the Supreme Court is not looking too friendly these days. Trump and Barr are expecting a legal backstop.
But, there are political ways to circumvent it. And step one in getting the public behind you is to seem the more reasonable of the two parties.
Partly they have to oppose for the sake of opposing. It’s just who they are and what their base appreciates.
Then there’s the possibility – minuscule, I admit – that they’ve been lying to everyone about what’s in the report.
Well, sure, that is a consummation devoutly to be desired.
I am not holding my breath.
I watched about 15 minutes of this hearing. Despite the tedious arguments of the GOP, the Dems did a very good job of outlining the legal basis for getting the Mueller Report, Grand Jury info and other supporting information. They directly hit on Congress’ unique role under current law to weigh in on the potential liability of a sitting President. That’s where I think their strongest argument lies.
The Dems get credit for keeping the story in the news cycle each day. The excerpts from the hearings will be good for media coverage. Cummings did a nice job of highlighting the security clearance scandal and issuing subpoenas (though I wish he and other Dems wouldn’t sound so reluctant to issue subpoenas).
Nadler has to issue these subpoenas, however. You can’t delay and expect Barr to engage. There is nothing to negotiate here. Congress is entitled to all the info, period. From a timing perspective, I would issue the subpoenas either just before or just after the scheduled public protests.
Nice to see that Democracy marches on. The process isn’t meant to be fast and is usually “messy”. By intentionally turning the screws a bit tighter in a methodical manner it will also show the courts (if/when) that time was provided to quit stonewalling. A lot of people want it NOW, but just like certain recipes, you have to let the batter rest to get the desired results.
Early in the Trump “presidency” a lady usually known for sedate commentary weighed in on strategy and tactics going forward.
She mentioned “the people” several times.
Trump has never broken the 50% barrier in non-Rasmussen approval. The only thing stopping us is for those who do not approve of Trump to fail to coalesce.
I think Ralph Nader was correct the other day LOL I dislike him BUT. he said a Million people should surround the White House and Protest. Americans black and white able and disabled. minorities and majorities want to read this report who does Trump and minorities think they are. KINGS. lol. Vote them out after you lock them up we are the majority act like it America
Get out our vote
Bring it!