Discussion: House Intel Chair On Flynn: DC Is 'Rough Town For Honorable People'

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Apparently not rough enough on citizens that seem to be selling America to Putin.


Most Republicans don’t even try any more to pretend they give a tinker’s damn about the U.S. Constitution and laws and stuff like that.



It’s even tougher on dishonorable people!



Really? This is Nunes’ way of stepping off the tracks of an oncoming train? OK


The pushback has started. Even I am shocked at how brazen it is. It won’t work, because the intelligence community will keep looking into this, and will keep leaking it to the press in the absence of any oversight.

Meanwhile Nunes is now on the list of people who must answer: What did he know, and when did he know it?


And the Republican leadership continues to destroy its own party. Any ideas on what party(ies) will take its place?


fine dick head, if flynn’s behavior is perfectly reasonable, and no state secrets were revealed, nothing illegal transpired as you have intimated, then release ALL transcripts, recordings, and notes taken on this topic to the public and let us decide if repube, executive and Democratic responses to this are appropriate


If Democrats don’t know what to do with this and the Republican refusal to look at Trumps taxes, then they don’t deserve anyone’s vote.

“Honorable people.”
– Rep. Devin Nunes

Mike Flynn . . . once retweeted a false claim that United Nations Agenda 21 would create a one world church prohibiting Christianity, and that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophilia ring.

In early November, the military veteran shared a story he deemed a “must read” that accused Clinton of being involved in “child exploitation” and “sex crimes with minors;” later he shared a story that alleged John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign manager, participated in occult rituals—a conspiracy theory that later evolved online into #pizzagate, when a lone gunman open fired at Comet Ping Pong, a Washington, D.C., pizzeria that is at the center of a bizarre Internet conspiracy theory allegedly involving the Clinton campaign and a child sex trafficking ring.

Flynn was so well-known for sharing unsubstantiated stories, while running the Defense Intelligence Agency, that his subordinates “came up with a name for the phenomenon: They called them ‘Flynn Facts.’”


What a precious, sickening response. Washington is Candyland in a world full of towns “rough on honorable people.”


what an honorable man

his dedication to american values seems to have retired when he left the military

“Nunes also told reporters that he would not investigate Flynn’s discussions with Trump about his calls with the Russian ambassador. However, the House Intelligence chair did say that he wants more information on how details about Flynn’s calls were leaked to the press.”

Well, this is certainly encouraging. I demand to know who leaked about the treason in the administration. The treason itself, no problem there.


However, the House Intelligence chair did say that he wants more information on how details about Flynn’s calls were leaked to the press:

So, if it were never leaked these assholes would rather we never knew about it.


would you care to give us some examples of ‘honorable people’ you think the town has been tough on?

So far in the Republican Senate:

Commit treason and get caught = “We need to investigate WHY and HOW they got caught!!! Investigate the actual treason? What do you mean? We have to figure out where these leaks are coming from!!”

Also… yeah D.C. Is hard on honorable people… it’s pretty lenient on dishonorable people though (e.g. Flynn)


Indeed. Let’s be very clear here: the entire focus of this as far as the GOP/Teatrolls are concerned is who leaked, how and when can we find them and what can we do to punish and ruin them?

The focus and spin of Faux News’ top story says it all:



There are some people – many people and certainly most people in the intelligence community – who genuinely don’t want to be serving an administration that is an alter ego for a hostile power, especially when its leader, Vladimir Putin, was in charge of the intelligence agency that was responsible for so many summary executions of people they used as agents. They will not go gently into the good night and I am betting they are far tougher than the pampered shits who sit in safe seats in Congress soaking up freebies from donors. Nunes is an idiot.