I just don’t know how they do it. These dedicated legislators have gone more than a week without a vacation. It is good that they take a month off after the grueling schedule thy have maintained with many, many three day weeks packed full of legislative work. Take a rest Paul Ryan and company. You are over doing it.
Can these clowns avoid a debt ceiling implosion?
Time to buy a few puts, just in case…
I’m quite certain the Krazy Kaucus would never take the nation to the brink of default. I’m sure cooler heads will prevail…Paul Ryan being the fine leader that he is…heh heh. (I shouldn’t be laughing about this, but there we are.)
So this is what winning looks like after 6 months? Republican voters must be very proud.
At least they’ll have a song in their hearts
and a spring in their step.
But they won’t know why.
It is their own damn fault. Six months of trying to repeal/replace the ACA and nothing to show for it. It was a waste of time and tax payer dollars. Now with the next month off little to nothing of consequence gets done. Republicans twiddling- leaving the CR and their tax reform until the last minute. They are going to run out of time. Meanwhile, Trump sucks-up all of the air, dirt, and water leaving a trail of detritus behind.
There are some who are still very proud of him and probably always will be.
Paul Ryan: “So back in May we sent a shit sandwich to the Senate, and can you believe those guys took one bite and spat it out. They tried to muscle it down for 2 more months but couldn’t swallow it, and now they blame us for the shit sandwich. I mean, talk about a bunch of pathetic losers…”
Trump will probably be for a shutdown, then against, then for, then against…and when the dust finally settles, whatever happens, he’ll tweet “I was right all along”
Lots of purple on the Love Trump/Love Hitler blue-red Venn diagram…
You’ve totally nailed his MO - he holds no one position long enough for it to be declared his official position and then claim that he was right all along despite the outcome. What a slimy conman…
I expect the Freak/Dumb caucus will try to stuff as much negative crap as they can into any budget proposals. And the moderates will shrink at the negative effects they will wrack on their constituents. In the end there is only one way forward for any leader in the GOP, and it will be painful for them to go down that path - they will have to compromise with Democrats to get anything done, just like in the old days.
We need to look at every loophole Trump is taking advantage of and, when we get the damnable GOP out of power, we must pass laws that prevent any future “autocrat in waiting” to take control.
No firing of investigators. Must show tax returns. White House briefings must be televised. Clear and present LIES from politicians are prosecutable. White House mouthpieces that spout provable lies should be removed from their positions and not allowed on television or in print.
The next one might not be as incompetent as Trump.
I wish some group of Dems would call themselves the “Sanity Caucus” or something similar. It could even include Republicans who are not crazy.
Considering the quantity of time spent on and the quality of their healthcare product … it’s going to be interesting.
The inmates have temporarily left the New Asylum .
All the shit they’ve got to get done and the focus is tax reform. Jesus de Christo!
Tax reform is yet another time suck and brainless goal that dominates Republican thinking. Yearly business is top priority, tax reform is something that they can or could work on at a later date. Its not like they are on a roll or anything.
Back to basics is the wise move, not Hail Mary after Hail Mary and public failure after massive public face plant.
Screwing the public via tax reform and wealth transfer is pretty much sex to the Repubs and is known as looking for love in all the wrong places.
Tax “reform” is made more difficult since the GOP healthcare scam was their method of getting money from Medicaid to pay for a tax cut. (Although we all know that defunding Planned Parenthood multi-billion dollar should suffice, right?)
It remains to be seen precisely what new malfeasance will come out of tax “reform.”
Yeah, this is true. They’ll steal from granny or babies, it matters not to them, only that there are funds to be had and they aren’t coming from them or their people.
Since healthcare was really a hidden tax transfer, then tax reform is probably really about elections and walls.
Its all a faux charade based on smoke and mirrors signifying nothing but love of Kock.