Discussion: House GOPers Say Susan Collins' Health Care Demands Are Dead On Arrival

Well, she considers it better than admitting the truth: she’s just as corrupt and self-serving as the rest of them. Her kabuki theater of pretending otherwise makes her just slightly more dishonest than what has become the brazen norm of outright public corruption and lying to our faces though…so she actually scores as more evil.


The house 'pubs just threw her under the bus by announcing this, loud and clear, before the senate vote (which may take some time to happen since these f*cksticks can’t figure out how to follow the proper avenues when trying to ram thru bullshit using reconciliation)

It’s on Collins how she votes now that the curtain has been thrown back and we can all see the man operating the Great and Powerful Oz. She ain’t gettin’s shit - never will, never was.


“House GOPers Say Susan Collins’ Health Care Demands Are Dead On Arrival.”

Kinda like the millions and millions of Americans who are gonna lose their healthcare.

So billionaires can get a huge tax cut.

To purchase that third chalet in Gstaad.


it is quite amazing the disrespect the GOP shove in Collin’s direction. Susan, I’m telling ya, pitch it right back at 'em and vote “NO” --Give them a taste of their own medicine!


Susan can rest assured that the healthcare of her donors is not in any danger.


I disagree. If I and others can call a male senator a dick, prick or dickhead, societal rapist, economy molester, etc., and rant about the sexual gratification the old coot apparently gets from economically fucking the poor, minorities, children, elderly and middle-class…all without any reprisal…then some non-gender-neutral references just aren’t sexism. And for all my colorful metaphors and language, no, nobody’s ever called me out and said “hey now, woah big fella, that’s totally sexist and misandrist.” Just because a word isn’t gender neutral doesn’t automatically make it sexist. Are we to excise those words from our language altogether now?


Suzie Collins the bowling pin

gettin set up so that she can get knocked down

here’s to Maine seeing through your bullshit Ms Collins, may you be seeking a new job soon


Yep. you gotta get through a whole steaming pile of Lack-Of-Humanity before getting around to her gender.


Please, for the love of god and all that remains holy, stop talking about this as if she got duped.


You really are a great, big idiot, Collins. Have fun getting kicked out of the Senate


She chose not to run for Governor next year and probably doesn’t plan to run for re-election to the Senate again. She’s got nothing to lose but but her dignity which has a price apparently.


Well, they’re going to need somewhere to flee to once we’re finally reduced to pitchforks and guillotines.


“Our guys do not want to be in the position of upholding a system that we all oppose and that we tried to repeal and did repeal in this chamber. That’s a real problem,” Cole said, before taking aim at Collins. “We’re not going to let ourselves be blackmailed by one senator for one vote in the United States Senate. I don’t think so.


but ok


They all have a price and I actually think hers is a helluva lot lower than say Johnson’s. She’s just pathetic. Anything at this point for a “win”.


That’s what I don’t understand about her pronouncements for show. It’s a very very thin veil, you got there, Susan. Just admit it, that you WANT to vote ‘yes’ on this bill because it gives you the thrills up the leg thinking about all that extra cash when you retire – why go through any motions otherwise? We all know your true feelings about us lessers. Stop it with the faux “concerns.” It makes your soul uglier when you lie so.


You make the mistake of thinking there’s no objection to sifting through “a dick, a prick or dickhead” in reference to male senators. Collins, who again is not my idea of senator is an easy target because clickbait headlines make her so.


Well now, Suzie Q! How do you FEEL about that? So much for all your troubles (trying to sooth the GOPs heart w/ an O-Care fix promise), in support for this Tax (Death Warrant) Scam. Can I say, ma’am you just got OWNED. Enough of the madness, C’MON 2018!!!

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I like your rants. But when you come with the straw, I wanna slap you. You’re too smart for that.


So shocked that McConnell and Donnie Two Scoops would lie to her.

rolling my eyes like a teenager


She isn’t up for re election until 2020. But she has already thrown in the towel on her hopes of running for governor next year.

2020 is still a very long ways off in terms of Senate elections, but given its a Presidential election year, I would hardly feel comfortable with a R besides my name heading into it, given the disaster that is going to be at the top of their ticket no matter what plays out.

I would feel even more worried by putting my name as a YES on this one, and in such a high profile manner, as Collins did. By 2020, this tax bill will be felt by the economy, and none of them should want to have a thing to do with it by then.

But who knows? Maybe she plans on retiring and resting up for a couple of years before running for governor. Or something else. If she does retire, I think she will have a lot of company. eyeing Mitch McConnell on that one