Hearing on blatant Hatch Act violations by Conway.
TPM reports what? What Gym Jordan, Mark Meadows and the rest of the GOP clownshow has to say during their predictable tribalist monkey-hooting shit-flinging reality-denial grandstanding.
Gosh…public televised impeachment hearings sure would get OUR message out, huh?
The fall of the GOP really has no bottom, does it?
GOPers feast on the cadavers of their own
Like Satan
Like Spawn
So lets get this straight. Kellyanne con-woman has repeatedly violated a well known and well understood law prohibiting the use of government resources and facilities for political purposes and/or personal gain. And now, these so-called “honorable” Rethuglicans are condemning the official charges with enforcing that law. What absolute hypocrisy!
And here we always thought the Rethuglican party was a bastion of law and order. I guess not, at least under Trump leadership.
Jim Jordan’s mind reading skills are truly amazing!! /s
And here we always thought the Rethuglican party was a bastion of law and order.
I certainly never did………
Grandstanding Outlaws Party
So Meadows and Jordan think the laws of the United States of America are a big joke.
One wonders what laws they have been gleefully breaking because it’s all such a funny, funny game.
Meghan McCain will be on TV later railing against liberals and defending the GOP while occasionally taking swipes at PP and invoking her father’s name to defend herself.
God she’s a total waste of oxygen.
Why does TPM insist on presenting these stories as they are some brilliant strategic attack by these GOP poltroons, when in reality they are more fairly described as the grossly “stupid Torquemadas?”
I like how he’s reminding his audience how they too shall soon be taking their own dirt naps.
So much winning!
The Republican effort to discredit Kerner left Democrats perplexed, with many using their questioning time to inquire as to why their colleagues were attacking the Trump appointee.
I think that we may have finally arrived at Upsidedownia
“Yes, of course she made me angry. She is a government worker flaunting her disregard for the law and for the Office of Special Counsel. I would be angered by such activity from any other government employee regardless of political affiliation. It’s SIMILARLY infuriating that Members of this Committee are disregarding the role of the Office of the Special Counsel as an Independent investigative and prosecutorial agency whose basic legislative authority comes from four federal statutes, including the Hatch Act that Ms. Conway repeatedly violated.”
There, FTFY
Shoot the messenger much?
Yes, they should have used their questioning time inquiring about the heart of the matter, namely, the Hatch Act and the violations thereof.
Stunned? Given their reactions to the abject idiocy coming out of his mouth at the event in the other videos, I highly doubt it. They’re lapping it up like kittens with warm, crack-filled milk.
You’re too kind, sometimes.
sometimes. hahahahahahahahahaha