Discussion: House GOP Will Hold A Conference Call Today To Discuss Trump

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All good news, hilarious, such laughable GOP idiots. Down the tubes, a little late to back out of that deep hole they dug themselves to die in.

I apologize for re-posting this but … it just never gets old.


They conceived this monster. Now they have to carry it to term.


Thanks for reposting – somehow I had missed the video. Says it all!

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Just out:
#Speaker Paul Ryan has stated that he will NOT defend Donald Trump.
Says he will concentrate on trying to keep the majority in the House. He calls for party unity.

(*Translation: Run for it boyz’! Evey man for himself. Trump is a fucking disaster and we can’t do anything to stop his self destruction.)

Ohhhh…My cup o’ schadenfreude runneth over!


But, when asked for clarification, Ryan said he will still vote for Trump. I don’t find any hypocrisy there, do you???


Ryan is indeed a hypocrite of monumental proportions. He’s safe in his district, but he knows many are vulnerable and they need to keep as many of the Trumpanzees’ supporting Hair Furor as possible.
His final calculation was that continued support of Trump could set them GOPers up and another Trump “Grab Em’ by the Pussy” bombshell (or worse) would drop from the media or from the Clinton Campaign and the whole Republican Party would implode along with their POTUS candidate.

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Sometimes it’s necessary for a politician to have a public position and a private one.


Paul Ryan says you’ve got to get back on the Trump train. LDS says nope. Paul Ryan says okay then. Another Trump video is released before the week is out.

@sherlock1 Alright, so it’s even more pathetic than I thought. Just keep whistling as the remaining days elapse.

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#Speaker Paul Ryan has stated that he will NOT defend Donald Trump.

Shorter Ryan: The Republican’s Big Old Orange Pussy is up for grabs. ___ and to his fellow GOPig congresscritters:

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They won’t bail on him. What’s vegas have the odds at now? About 25% for a Trump victory? I think Nate Silver has him at about a 10% chance. If they bail on him, the odds go down significantly. Not only would the GOP look like complete fools, but the Trump supporters would be rabid.

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There already is another greater bomb shell out there and has been since at least June but most of the media will not run with it. It seems so big a bombshell everyone is afraid to take the decisive steps to make it front page news, yet what will they do if the federal judge moves forward after the Dec 16 hearing (if by some fluk trump wins). The case I am taking about is the case of the 13 yr old girl (at the time) who claims trump raped her and the witness who saw the action. The witness is the person that recruited the girl to the party, allegedly.

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Clinton is always worse.
Trump is cozy with Putin, Clinton is worse
Trump gropes women, Clinton is worse
Trump cheats his business associcates, Clinton is worse
Trump is a racist, Clinton is worse
Trump is anything you want to say at all, Clinton is worse
They’re boneheads.


The AP fact checking should have mentioned this, because they discussed other sexual assault claims against Trump. They are still protecting him.
Btw, aren’t there several witnesses now?

And the #1 question on the lips of everyone concerned about the whole of the Republican Party will be:

Oh I know all about that little gem. I would have like to see her come forth currently and sit in the front row at the debate.

Why The Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

Based on what we do know now, Jane Doe’s (has since come forth: Katie Johnson) claims fall squarely into the long, ugly
context of Mr. Trump’s life of misogyny, are consistent with prior
sexual misconduct claims, are backed up by an eyewitness, and thus
should be taken seriously. Her claims merit sober consideration and
We live in a world where wealthy, powerful men often use and abuse women and girls.
While these allegations may shock some, as a lawyer who represents
women in sexual abuse cases every day, I can tell you that sadly, they
are common, as is an accuser’s desire to remain anonymous, and her
terror in coming forward.
What do you call a nation that refuses to even look at sexual assault claims against a man seeking to lead the free world?
Rape culture.
We ignore the voices of women at our peril.

Not to mention that one of their stated principles is “the voters have given us a mandate.” So how can they not give Garland a hearing if they go against their stated talking point that the voters must choose the next President so we know which direction to proceed with, and when W was reelected didn’t he say something about elections having consequences? So which is it Mr. Speaker do you follow your primary voter’s choice or for once in your life take the moral high ground and not your political party’s choice.

AMEN to that!!!

I have heard about this case … can someone explain to me why the mainstream media isn’t speaking about this?