Discussion: House GOP Whip: 'No Deal' With Dems To Fund DHS Next Week

Discussion for article #233811

was this just another ‘messy’ negotiation that left all parties confused?

or… either pelosi was punked by boehner; or she lied to her members to save boehner’s ass…

someone please call her office for a response.

I have a feeling that tomorrow Pelosi is going to shove a great big telephone pole up the ass of Scalise, and an even bigger one up Boehner’s. These mofos are desperate. Let the fucking DHS shut down if there is no clean bill that funds it completely. The Senate can’t save them without eliminating the filibuster, and Obama will veto it anyway if it fucks over his immigration EO, so hang these whiny ass titty babies out to dry.


They keep on using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means…


I have a feeling Pelosi and Reid get it. Even if they wanted to, the Dems can’t extend funding in increments. If nothing else, this gave DHS employees notice that they are on their on and to make any contingency plans if they can at this point.


Pretty cocky for a guy who got is ass kicked from here to Sunday. It was his job to have the votes and he failed miserably. Does he even realize how big a fool he is?


I think you are misreading the situation. Scalise is there to whip leadership for the Tea Partiers…not to whip the TP for leadership. The deal that got him the spot wasn’t that he would start playing nice with the Establishment…it was that he wouldn’t run against Boehner and thus start the Congress off with an internal GOP crisis.

But it was merely putting off the inevitable. He is going to force crisis after crisis, and if he can lie up the votes, he will challenge Boehner for Speaker.

Thats the big problem for Boehner now, vs. last Congress. He is surrounded by out and out enemies this time.


The Democrats need to nip this in the bud. Otherwise every single bill that is brought up will have unrelated measures attached to it. These troglodytes need to be broken now.


One thing’s for sure: Pelosi’s one of the roughest, toughest leaders Democrats have ever had. All people of good sense and decency (i.e., Democrats) should thank her every day.


“I know what we need to do! We need to drive the nation right off the cliff!” said the House GOP Whip. “It’s the one thing that they would never expect! And the way we’ve drawn the districts means that none of us will ever face being kicked out of office!”


I think your analysis is spot on. I’d rec it 10x if I could.


Maybe I’m missing something, but doesn’t “regular order” explicitly mean that bills can be introduced that don’t follow the “Hastert Rule,” which means they don’t have to be approved by a majority of Republicans, which means a clean bill can make it to the floor, which means it will get passed with unanimous or near-unanimous Democratic support with the help of centrist GOPers? In other words, isn’t saying regular order will be followed exactly the same thing as saying a deal has been struck with Nancy Pelosi? And isn’t this language dodging just a charade so Boehner doesn’t have to suffer the ignominy of Boehner/Pelosi cooperation headlines?


By all means, ignore doing the right thing.. Postpone an easy fix. Everything will be solved then just like magic. Nothing urgent … only the country’s border security. It’s not like people out there want to behead, crucify, burn us alive, steal our cybersecrets, fly planes into our skyscrapers and kill hundreds of innocent people or anything.

So blackmail everybody. Stop all salaries. Shut it down. No surrender. Total victory.
Because what’s most important is showing President Obama where his place is. That trumps everything.

Village idiots.


Nothing would be more well executed than the GOP defunding the DHS the week Netanyahoo is coming to town. I frankly hope there is no deal and Mr. Yahoo gets into some sticky situations.


Why on earth does Steve “I can’t even figure out how many in my caucus is going to vote, and which way” Scalise have credibility on anything at this point?


supposedly netanyahu is going to lobby congresstor pass dhs funding… and he’s meeting with obama.

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Of course not .that would leave them with a week of no wrong headed soap box issue to hump until rational people wanted to scream “enough”!The faces and roles may change but the intractable ideologues remain to poison the well.


I agree. This whole fiasco is about far more than simply the issues at hand. This governing via blackmail must be stopped in its tracks now. Otherwise, this monster will just continue to grow, and grow stronger.


Why do you assume the worst in Pelosi and not Steve “I kick it with the KKK” Scalise?


I really, really wish some Sunday “journalist” would ask this question: “Mr. Boehner, what happened? Did you put the three-week extension on the floor knowing it would fail, or did Mr. Scalise give you an incorrect vote count, or did some of your caucus mislead Mr. Scalise? That was a very embarrassing vote, Mr. Boehner. How did that happen?”