Discussion: House GOP Scrambles To Pass Border Crisis Bill

Discussion for article #225779

Ted Cruz-- born in Canada and to a father who came into this country illegally-- is EXACTLY the right tail to wag the mangey hound that is the House GOP. You tell 'em, Ted.


The President wanted $3+ Billion and the House is wresting $659 million in emergency funding. In the end the House will pass a bill giving immigrants a coupon book to Chick-fil-A for a free drink with purchase of a chicken sandwich, and a voucher for 5% off Hobby Lobby’s ENTIRE candle collection!

See, we passed something!


Border Crisis? Refugee children? Immigration reform? Meh…

This doesn’t seem like a huge priority when there bigger issues to vote on, like filing frivolous lawsuits.


Hey conservatives of Texas—do you find this border crisis to be a bad thing you’d like the government to address? Then perhaps you’d like to tell your Senator Cruz to shut his troublemaking mouth and let this Congress do its fucking job just one time?


Having Ted control the House from the Senate is like taking the psychotic subway motorman who stopped taking his thorazine two months ago and making him the pilot of a passenger jet.


At this point, the two parties want to pass something before the August recess, if largely for political cover.


“It’s better to do something than nothing, even if doing something is worse than doing nothing.”


Speaker Cruz held a meeting with pizza last night to rally his House caucus.

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This is like watching a bunch of crackheads trying to do long division.


Cruz 's TEDophiles scrambling to go on vacation…

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Would that be Pizza the Hut?

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Ted Cruz is a real fly in the ointment. Lord help us if Republicans take control of the Senate.


A little over 3 months until the election. Republicans have been gleefully anticipating a Republican wave to take the Senate and expand their hold of the house. Just exactly why would Republicans want to wake up the Democratic base?

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This scramble won’t help them find their marbles.

Actually the “crisis” is manufactured by the right.

Cruz is “creating familiar headaches for House Republican leaders.” And here I was thinking he never accomplished anything of value. I stand corrected.

Somewhere rAYNd Paul is kicking himself watching Cruz steer the good ship Baggernut back onto the rocks.

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I sort of hope they don’t do anything, per their norm. It will just mean that ex-President GW Bush’s plan will stay in affect. It will mean that the other Texas dummy, Rick Perry will have to actually govern his own state and deal with the problem that has existed through the last two Republican Governors and plenty more. It will mean that the can’t spell, don’t know Central Americans from a Cuban Senator, teabaggers, will get to keep proving what the Republicans really are all about all the way until this November and many Novembers to come.

Passing a half, nay-less than quarter measure, bill won’t save the Republicans. It’s impeach or nothing for the base now. And they have only themselves to thank for that because despite current politics, they’ve been talking impeachment for over 5 years.
And what about the veterans, did the Boener House forget about them or is suing the President and hating on Latinos more important?

Repeal don’t replace, sue and impeach, block and obstruct, deny and deflect. This is all that Republicans can muster because President Obama owns them.

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Ted Cruz is using the balanced budget approach to lawmaking. No new laws without an offset of existing laws.

The Republican Congressmen are too fixated on Obama to do anything else…like, their jobs.