Discussion: House GOP Reverses Course On Gutting Office Of Congressional Ethics

Well, I sincerely hope this is in response to public outrage and not some performance art on the part of GOP and Trump.


It’s all very confusing for the sycophants who rubber-stamp whatever the GOP Congress does at any given moment.

Several congressional Republicans claimed the OCE was “unfair” as did Trump.
Show me a single regulatory or law enforcement entity that is always “fair.”
They did not try to make it fairer, they tried to eliminate it, then backed down after the backlash.


I called my Republican rep this morning and asked how he voted. She said she didn’t know but quickly assured me that there was going to be another vote today. I had the impression that I wasn’t the first Kansas voter to call.


So they didn’t read his comments about how the office was unneeded.

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So they are stupid and cowardly!

Aux barricades!

I was never under any delusion that they are smart…every conservative policy ever implemented has been a complete and utter failure for America.

However, they are…tenacious. Let’s not confuse that with smart!


Has CNN given him credit yet?

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Speaking for the cynical side: they may have reversed on this one, but that doesn’t mean they won’t stop trying. They know better than we that this is going to be the most corrupt Congress with the most corrupt Administration in the history of the Nation. Hogs to the trough doesn’t come close to covering it.

I propose a pledge for the next Democratic Presidential candidate. They must promise to take a good hard look back and punish corruption wherever they find it. No more of this Looking forward not back bullshit.


Ummm…political theater of the absurd?

Somewhat like the screwball comedies of the past…without the laughs.


I know this will shock you, but of course they have.


And they’re no doubt confused as to why people are mad at them for trying to gut the committee. They’ll probably keep trying, but this does show that if they piss people off they will crumble or at least be shaken. Never let up


Glad to see Ryan behaving true to form. Make a decision, change it, change it back. We’re good! He really is grounded in principal ($$) isn’t he?


Can you believe it. The Repulsives doing the right thing (under pressure).

Ryan, who flip- flopped on the issue ( he was against it, then supported it) and Goodlatte ,who must be fearful of the independent office looking into his behavior, were not on script with Trump and Putin. Consequently , they were publicly and rightfully rebuked.


The GOP does not know the meaning of the word “overreach”. And they will never learn.


Um, yeah.

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I emailed my R congresswoman last night and called her office this morning. She actually gave me an award when I graduated from high school-have a photo of myself shaking her hand. Mentioned that story.

Just called her office to tell them I was proud of her no vote.

I’m sure I wasn’t the only one calling.


Yeah, I will bet with you on that one. I am 1) not convinced that they give a sh!t about what a bunch of outraged Dems have to say and 2) seriously doubt they got heavy push back from their own base. This is a set up to force a conversation that undermines agencies with the potential to show any oversight of the coming corruption. FOX News will give their base a dozen reasons why the OCE is an evil organization bent on destroying God-fearing Republicans by days end (probably already have, but I cannot to bear to watch).

If there is one thing that has worked for Republicans consistently since Bill Clinton, it’s endless investigation - and they sure as hell don’t want those powers being aimed at them.


I would advise everyone to put their congresscritters phone numbers in their phone’s address book to make it easier to call the next time.

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