Discussion: House GOP Campaign Chief Criticizes GOP Super-PAC for Using Confidential Info Against Dem Candidate

Looks like someone found out they can be sued rude, because I cannot imagine any other reason that a Republican official would ever apologize.


Well as long as we had in hand why let it go to waste.
And whoever is a constituent of Stivers should really question is morality.


“That probably deserves some examination,”

Oh man, that is some withering criticism right there. Wow, let me catch my friggin’ breath.


We should add morally and ethically challenged to ever reference to the Congressional Leadership Fund. They are now the MECCLF.

There will never be any serious criticism of the CLF because what they do is buy ads from the various media outlets both print and electronic. No network or newspaper wants to bite the hand that feeds them.


Misleading headlines and stories like this are why I won’t become a prime member. I read this to the end as this affects my district and this is hardly a rebuke. It was a mild acknowledgment if anything.
There used to be better quality on TPM. Don’t resort to clickbait tactics.

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Criminals and demons, all of them.

The current GOP should be taken down with the RICO statutes.


Scroll down for the ad It’s disgusting and of course a lie


“didn’t do anything wrong” is false. When they received a document that knew was not to be in their possession they were morally obligated to return it to its proper place. If I find my neighbors bank statement blowing around my back yard I’ve done illegal looking at it. But I was wrong. Decency requires me to return it unread. But the real issue is the people that did this are trying to obtain positions that will put them in power over us all. What they will do to get elected will not stop after being sworn in. They’ll do it in office too. Lie to get elected. Lie when in office. Cheat to get elected. Cheat once in office.


Good for him. It was petty ass BS and possibly illegal. To even PRETEND ‘the ends justify the means’ shows that Super-PAC is a corrupt organization and should have the ‘license’ pulled. Honest to God.


“That probably deserves some examination,” he said

Yeah. By the FBI.


Considering that you won’t find this news covered nationally anywhere else, I would suggest you reconsider your views. This was hardly a stinging rebuke, but at least it was an admission of reality which is, in and of itself, noteworthy. TPM is one of the few sources of news that will surface this stuff. Further, they will actually follow a story in a coherent and thoughtful way when it is warranted. Maybe you think this is “clickbait”, but it’s hard to be all things to all people. I support TPM because it’s far better than anything else out there, IMO. Sadly, we have to support factual reporting with private funds, but that is the world we live in.


We got caught, so we are XXXX. But, OK, anything that will help a REPUG is still good; illegal, poor taste, hogwash, does not matter. OTOH if a democrat did the same then we must have 12 years of hearings that results in a hanging.



Uttering a hearty tsk tsk, Steve Stivers leapt into the fray.


The headline was misleading.

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i agree with everybody else. this isn’t criticism. it’s a flaccid, back-handed way of doubling down.


@cjohns6 @ljb860

What other site rewrites it’s headline in response to readers’ comments?

ETA Well, at least on the home page.


Steve Stivers

Use of stolen information for campaign probably deserves some investigation …

I have scheduled the investigation to take place Nov 7


Stivers was an asshole before he became a Rep. He is not going to do anything.