I have no idea what’s happening with the world anymore. How is Trump fucking closing the fucking gap again? HOW? What is wrong with these dumb fucking people? I can’t…I can’t do this. The fact that he’s a rapist means nothing? The fact that he openly assaults women sexually, means nothing? WHAT IS HAPPENING???
Nothing we don’t want to happen. The GOP is plunging into a much anticipated civil war, polls are remaining very favorable. Life is good…
I just … it’s … I mean … holy crap.
The top Republican campaign arm looking to keep Republican control of the House is disavowing the Republican presidential nominee.
“Dold is an independent voice who stood up to Donald Trump months ago,” the narrator in the ad says, after calling the congressman “one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress.”
No he isn’t. Like Kirk, he’s a jerk-wad Republican who throws a couple of “moderate” opinions right around election time in the hope that no one has noticed that he’s a jerk-wad Republican. Hopefully his constituents aren’t fooled again.
From what I read, there’s been a bit of regression to the mean since Trump’s series of disastrous news stories and debates. It’s a natural thing, especially in a hyperpartisan environment. It’s not significant. The GOP could have run the reanimated corpse of Al Capone and gotten what Trump’s getting. Nobody has ever come back from the deficit he has now. In the sense that anything could happen, sure, it could happen. But it probably won’t. Shoot some bucks to Hillary or make some calls, if you have time, knock on some doors, stuff some envelopes. It really helps.
Uh huh. Kind of remarkable. But Ryan said the other day, do what you have to do, it’s cool. Sauve qui peut is the French: Save yourself if you can, everyone. In Python its “Run away! Run away!” I don’t know how Wisconsonians would say it.
Look Up “You’re Fucked” in the dictionary
So, the ad reads, “Unlike gop’s leadership, this jr Congressman has done the right thing and unendorsed the worst candidate ever nominated for POTUS!”
Mark Twain once said of Henry James, “Once you put one of his books down, you simply can’t pick it back up again.” I literally did that with that book one time. The mice and the cheese and the sniffing and the tasting and the whatever later dude.
It’s boring in the first pass through it’s limited theme and goes downhill quickly after that.
And they have been doing that for awhile
If this district is as swingy as it appears, why would anyone waste a vote on a GOP lightweight when they can get a real legislator into office that wants nothing to do with obstructionist politics or Donald Trump since day one? Someone that will fight for real issues that concern voters.
No mo’ money for Dolt? I’m sure the Koch Bros. will step into the void real darn soon to pick up the slack. The entire cast of GOP legislators are bought and paid for by someone. Trust me.
Exactly . . . . and I really hope Illinois voters are smart enough to see through this. Dold is just another master at promoting phony integrity when it serves his political needs.
I wonder if Bob Dold will pull a Marco Rubio. Say he stood up to Drumpf but will still vote for him???
Will Bob Dold hold out as long as Ted Cruz? Has any journo asked him if he will vote for Hillary?
Keep in mind that even BHO “only” won by 4 points in 2012. HRC is going to win by maybe double that, so it’ll be an unassailable win and the dawn of a new era in sane governance. But, holy jeebus, how we need to take back the Senate. The SCOTUS is the real plum in this fruit basket.
Just remember that the win by 4 points in 2012 is not a mandate by Republican standards, but a win by a Republican of only 500 votes and a Supreme Court decision is a landslide in Republican bizarro world. Each and every votes counts.
“It’s time to bench Aaron Rodgers.”
Please fracture, GOP, into your sane and insane wings. We need you sane guys as loyal opposition, but lose the nutcases. Call yourselves the Old Republican Party and ditch the teabagging Trumpsters.