Discussion for article #222337
A no-integrity move by a bunch of no-integrity clowns. Just a shock that there was anything close to an admission!
Sounds like the GOP doesnât like the taste of the egg on their faces.
Obamacare and Benghazi ⌠broken records
Health insurance companies are doing great. (Youâd think that the GOP would know how to check a stock price). Thatâs tells you all you need to know.
Uhh! I guess we fffâd up!
When they do something as boldly & unscrupulously manipulative, why would anyone ever trust them - with anything?
More like the taste off âassâ in their mouths!
Yeah we already knew that. No Republican is NOT going to lie, cheat, or steal to make Obamacare look bad. No way they will ever admit it is working and so long overdue and necessary. It needs tweeking as any bill trying to accomplish the monumental task this legislation is trying to accomplishâŚbut our people deserve decent, affordable health care for all and hopefully this will lead to that end.
Nothing is easy. Change is hard particularly for the conservative and even harder when those they trust and listen to fill their hearts with hardness, meanness, and lies. By nature they are hard hearted and couple that with the sewer language that fills the places in their lives where there should be real news, they become even more hard hearted and callous.
It is the reason the country perceives them as âhatingâ everyone from women to those of color and gays. And it is the reason they will not trust the White House to themâŚever. Amazing, they believe their own hype. Amazing.
The entire GOP is bogus!
My friend successfully enrolled during the âglitchâ period. His invoice from BC/BS did not arrive until 30 days later for payment.
In this case, at least we know the answer to the question, are they really that stupid or are they just stiring up their base.
Both!! = 20 characters
because they dont care âŚthey lie with inpunity for so long that they have become use to it second nature its like they cant help themselvesâŚand the people that vote for these incompetent vindictive greed driven power hungry un patrioctic fools will belive anything that they spewâŚwhy do you think faux neeeewwwwwz is still on
It is hardly amazing that a group which glorifies scientific ignorance would be afflicted with innumeracy. This silly bunch will not do anything to reform the tax code because they simply cannot understand what they have wrought already. It would seem possible for them to comprehend the minimum wage, but that is not going to make them actually do anything.
Rigging is all they have. It started in earnest with Palin, they now have a base that feasts on conspiracy theories and lies. Itâs quite a bit easier than thinking, coming up with serious solutions or actually showing up to work, see Congressional work schedule. Most unfortunately screaming about our freedoms, guns and immigration still garners a lot of votes.
got think tank looking under all the rocks trying to find a way to tell Americans how the ACA has failed.
nothing new here
it sure would be nice if they would actually spend the time and money on improving the health of the common American
Their base loves teh bogus . We can be certain that Faux Snooze will continue to parrot the numbers from the discredited polls and the base will shovel it into their greedy little mouths. After all, if itâs repeated ten times whe you click your heels it becomesâŚ
and all becuzâŚ
It doesnât matter, it gives the base a set of talking points to clip & paste and pretend itâs real. This will, in spite of having been well and thoroughly debunked, appear in every anti-ACA thread on every site in the blogosphere. And when you point out it has been debunked, they will howl about how liberals refuse to accept facts . . .
This was simply another blivet of poo for the hooting, grimacing, howling semidomesticated primates to fling . . . Benghazi was getting kind of soggy & runny.
They donât get promptly caught that often. Usually the press obligingly reports their charges truth doesnât catch up to their propaganda for three or four days.at least.